There are a TON of high school pageants that take place every year and while these pageants vary drastically in professionalism and size. You can bet your educated backside that come interview time your questions are going to pertain to wait for it...high school.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of preparing for your pageant we have a free course that's based on your age division and the date of your pageant. You can access it by creating a contestant profile and tagging your upcoming pageant. Click here to get started.
Miss High School America 2019 Alyssa Mawyer. Photo: Miss High School America
31 Sample High School Pageant Questions
Below are some questions you will more than likely see at your next High School pageant:
- Should teachers and students be friends on FaceBook?
- How do you impact your school for the better? (Read: Top 25 Pageant Questions Asked by Judges (in Every Pageant)
- Tell us about a time when you have encountered negative peer pressure and overcame it
- Should you be crowned how would you use your new influence to better the school?
- Do you think cliques are negative?
- List 3 adjectives that best describe you?
- What is your biggest weakness?
- Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?
- What sets you apart from other girls who are competing in this pageant? (Read: How to Answer Why Should You Win This Pageant?)
- What are some qualities of a influential leader?
- What goal are you currently trying to accomplish?
- What is the most important extracurricular activity that you are involved in and why? (Read: 26 Sample Teen Pageant Questions (and Answers))
- How does someone get into the "in crowd"
- How are you a role model for your under classmen?
- What is more important? Beauty or Intelligence?
- Is chivalry lost?
- What is your most embarrassing moment?
- If money were no object describe to me your dream vacation
- How did you prepare for this pageant?
- If you could be any celebrity today who would you be?
- If you could meet any person in history who would it be?
- What is your definition of success?
- If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
- Can students make a difference in politics even before they can vote?
- Do you think sports are an important part of school?
- Should Social Media be banned from schools?
- How can schools better leverage social media to teach their students?
- "What accomplishment are you most proud of?" (by Jenna Magadanz)
- "What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do in ?" (by Jenna Magadanz)
- Are sports or extracurricular activities more important?
- Do you believe that home schooling a child is positive or negative?
Want more practice? Create a contestant profile and download (for free) our 233 pageant questions. The interview questions are age specific so they will be perfect for your High School pageant. In fact, many pageant judges download our questions, print them off and ask you directly from our list. So by downloading our questions it's like you are getting a cheat sheet.
Interested in mastering the pageant interview? Our Pageant Interview Playbook puts you on the fast track to creating an unbeatable pageant interview response. Learn more about our playbook here.
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