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How to Market a Beauty Pageant

26, October 2012

It is no secret that a lot of effort goes into running a successful beauty pageant. From budget and timeline management to finding the right venue, suppliers, sponsors, and judges, there is much work to be done if you want to run a profitable beauty pageant.

A good marketing campaign is one of the most important aspects of a successful beauty pageant. There are various ways to market a beauty pageant, including getting the word out through local media outlets or direct mailings, hanging up flyers around the community, and online pageant marketing.

Like any other business venture, the more people you reach throughout your beauty pageant marketing efforts, the more successful and profitable your pageant will be. 

Read on to find out ways to market a beauty pageant successfully.

Miss Grand Indonesia 2019. Photo: Miss Grand International Instagram



The Characteristics of a Strong Beauty Pageant Marketing Campaign

When it comes to marketing a beauty pageant, consider the following characteristics of a strong campaign:

  • Brand/Image Buiding

  • Consistency

  • Quality

  • Proper Planning

These days, a robust online presence, particularly on social media, is a must when marketing a beauty pageant. Social media channels like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook have become vital to beauty pageant marketing because they are magnets for pageant fans and hopefuls. Social media's role in the beauty pageant industry is so massive that anyone looking to market a beauty pageant cannot ignore the social media landscape.

Of course, if you are marketing your pageant on social media, your pageant will need an online presence of its own. At the very least, you will want a simple website or portal for your beauty pageant where you can drive potential contestants, fans, and sponsors from social media. There, visitors should have everything they need to sign up. You can even use your website to raise funds for prizes, scholarships, or even some of the initial costs required to get your pageant off the ground.

Know Your Beauty Pageant Marketing Target Audience

You will want your branding characteristics, image building, and consistency to shine through in your online and offline marketing efforts. Think of your beauty pageant as a product because that is precisely what it is. You are trying to sell your product to several different groups, and, as such, you'll want to have a well-planned marketing campaign.

You'll want to start by looking at your target audiences, which may be broken down into several categories. Of course, you want to market your pageant to contestants, but you'll also be looking for potential sponsors, judges, and attendees. Who you target from these groups will depend greatly on the contestants' ages.

For example, if you hold a beauty pageant for toddlers or elementary school children, you'll want to target their parents when looking for contestants. Facebook is a great resource to target, particularly in groups dedicated to parents, pageantry, and other similar subjects. For teens and young adults, TikTok and Instagram are the best social media platforms for targeting contestants. More traditional outlets, such as different types of media like television, radio, print, and direct mail, are great ways to target adult contestants.

Promoting your beauty pageant on social media is perhaps one of the most accessible, affordable, and effective ways to market your beauty pageant online. However, several directories specifically target beauty pageant contestants where you can advertise your pageant.

Pageant Planet can connect your pageant to contestants through its free online pageant directory. It is ideal for pageant coordinators and contestants. Contestants can use the Pageant Planet directory to learn about new pageants, sort them based on their interests, and decide which pageant is right for them. The Pageant Planet directory is an excellent resource for anyone looking to market their beauty pageant and reach potential contestants.

Through it all, your beauty pageant marketing campaign should have a common brand and image consistency, regardless of what different groups you are marketing to or for what purpose. A consistent brand image keeps your pageant looking professional and helps ensure long-term success.  


How Quality Service and Proper Planning Play a Role in Marketing a Beauty Pageant

Whether it's potential contestants, sponsors, or judges, no one will take your beauty pageant seriously unless you convince them that you know what you are doing.  

One of the things that those planning their first beauty pageant fail to recognize is the amount of work that goes into running a successful and profitable beauty pageant. Marketing your beauty pageant is one thing, but managing the event, from the initial pre-planning stages to bringing it all together on the day of the pageant, is an entirely different animal.

From attracting contestants, managing contestant paperwork & headshots, and scheduling rehearsals & interviews to replying to emails and providing support, a lot goes into managing a beauty pageant. If you're not on top of your game, and it shows, you will have trouble getting your beauty pageant off the ground.

Pageant Planet offers Pageant Management Software that automates all the day-to-day tasks involved in managing a beauty pageant, saving countless hours for you and your staff and giving you more time to market your beauty pageant. With pageant management software, you'll be able to manage your beauty pageant like a pro, so anyone to whom you market your pageant will know that you are the real deal, and they are more likely to take you seriously. That includes your potential contestants, sponsors, judges, and the general public.

When your pageant is appropriately managed, everything about your event should run more smoothly, and that's important for marketing your beauty pageant in the future. Why? Pageant girls talk. If your event is a disaster, word will get out fast, jeopardizing any future pageants. Some of the biggest complaints from contests are that a pageant was disorganized, organizers were unresponsive, deadlines weren't kept, or prize money wasn't paid out on time. All of these glitches can be avoided with top notch pageant management.  

It's not just pageant girls you have to worry about. In this age of social media, one disgruntled friend, parent, audience member, sponsor, or judge, can start a chain reaction of bad publicity that can stop your beauty pageant in its tracks.

Having a Beauty Pageant Marketing Plan is a Great Start

Using the tips outlined in this article, create a marketing plan as part of your pre-planning preparations for your beauty pageant. Regardless of the type of pageant you are planning, how big or small the event might be, or your specific pageant goals, having a marketing plan in place will make all the difference.

Running a beauty pageant is never easy, and having a good marketing plan will be crucial to your event's success, both now and in the future. Utilizing social media and relying on the different tools Pageant Planet offers can help you successfully market your beauty pageant for optimal success.



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