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How to Write a Pageant Farewell Speech

06, August 2013

This article unfortunately has a melancholy tone. The farewell speech signifies the end of a fun-filled year of service. There are tears, goodbyes, and a lot of “thank you shout outs,” but there is a lot more to consider than just what pictures to use on your slideshow.

Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters during her farewell walk. Photo: Miss Universe Organization

The Tough Truth to Swallow

There are a few truths that are hard to take when it comes to the farewell speech. First, you are coming to the end of your reign and you are no longer Miss “              .” The second, and I know it hurts but it has to be said, you are the only one who cares.

Q: “What? I am the only one who cares, what are you talking about?”

A: The farewell speech marks a milestone for the queen and her family, however the audience was not along for the ride. They are anticipating the crowning of the new queen. Frankly, from an audience members perspective, we could care less. That is not to say that we do not appreciate your service, we do, but we cannot truly grasp your experience because we were not there to witness each triumph and accomplishment.

It is much like when a friend is raving about a TV show that they like to watch, but you’re unfamiliar with. You tend to tune out because you are not affected by this dialogue and it does not concern you. As unfortunate and heartless as that may sound, this is the way we operate. Therefore, you must bear this in mind when creating your speech and be considerate of those listening to it.

I Hope You Have Taken A lot of Pictures…

Now that we have that out of the way, we can discuss the particulars of your speech. It is likely that your director will give you some sort of criteria. You may or may not be given a time limit. Though referring back to our heart-to-heart conversation, you want to keep the speech relatively short out of respect for the audience members. The rule of thumb for the length of a farewell speech is two minutes. I know it is difficult to include everything from your year into this small window, but the trick is to generalize. Highlight two or three major events from your reign and elaborate. Also, if you want to get really crafty, attempt to correspond your speech with the pictures on the highlighted events. The pictures that you include should linger on the screen for anywhere from four to five seconds. This still gives you enough time for what I like to call “thank you shout outs.”

“Thank You Shout Outs”

This is a very delicate and important part in your farewell speech. There are countless people who have assisted you in your pageant journey. There were your parents, your friends, your director, your school, your church, and so many more. It can be hard fitting all of those people into your two minute window when it has already gotten squeezed by your events. Have no fear though, there is a simple solution. First, thank those who were with you throughout the entire year. This will likely include your family, your director, and possibly your friend or boyfriend. Thank them for their unwavering dedication and support. Next, include those of lesser involvement but not necessarily importance. This group may include your friends, your school, and/or your major pageant sponsors (always thank them somehow).

Lastly, thank those who you met along the way. This may include other titleholders, other directors or just a passerby who gave you a kind word. They can be included with a sentence like this: “Thank you to all of the incredible people who I met on this great journey for your monetary support, encouragement, and love.” Farewell speeches bring a flood of emotions and sometimes tears (I would opt for waterproof mascara if I were you).

The important thing to remember is the wonderful memories and friends you made. Congratulations on a successful reign and giving back to your community. Thank you for your service! And always remember pageant girl, Keep your Heels, Head, and Standards HIGH!

Pageant Farewell Speech Template

Need extra help? See my example below. This is merely a template and model that you can use to build your very own tear-jerking farewell speech. Likewise, please use your own events in order to make this a speech to remember. Enjoy! Farewell Speech Example (Highlight the link and right click to open link in new tab. That should open the link in a new Word document.)


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