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American Majestic Pageants- AMP

date_medium_icon.svg May 23, 2026

About American Majestic Pageants- AMP

American Majestics is a community service based system that believes in teaching our younger generation about their community, volunteer work, and learning about the effects of body shaming (we should all love ourselves) and bullying (don't be a bystander...Stand Up). We teach all this through mentorship of our National Queens/Kings and Legacy Queens/Kings. We become so much more than just sharing the same love of pageantry, we become Family.
We offer age divisions for everyone. We also have a division for those with visible and invisible disabilities. We include service dogs with them as well and we love to award them as well.
We love seeing the confidence that blossoms within the girls and guys as they go through their year of service with us and continue with us.


    Loralen Morgan
    06 December 2018
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    Newer system but making a difference in lives around the USA. Teaching the next generation the importance of Community Service

Rules of American Majestic Pageants- AMP

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown
