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  • Compete for the Title of AmeriFest National Pageant


AmeriFest National Pageant

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About AmeriFest National Pageant

My journey as a director began 20 years ago in Eastern Kentucky, my birthplace. As a child, I always loved the glam and sparkle of anything girly or fun. Pageants literally changed my life and my attitude, having been a terribly shy child. My first pageant I entered is so memorable to me because the obstacles I overcame. I couldn't even speak in front of a classroom, and the thought of public speaking made me burst into tears. I was very quiet and shy, and had ZERO confidence. What pageants can do for a young lady or little guy is truly amazing - and that's where our motto comes in. "It's More Than Just" encompasses so much. It's more than just a crown, more than just a title, more than just a sash; it's a REAL chance to make a difference, to set an example to those younger than you, to teach young girls the importance of serving and giving back. Truth be known the younger ones are teaching all of us what a true giving heart is. Annually our titleholders raise thousands of dollars, and over 100,000 items and donations for shelters, pantries, cancer centers, and so many more. Not to mention the service hours put in! To say I'm humbled and honored to be a part of this mission, a mission I believe God has touched, is an understatement. After 20 years I learn more every year, meeting amazing families, growing as a person and a Christian, and most importantly as a woman and a mom. We can all lift each other up and deliver a positive message to others, and maybe just maybe for a moment others can see God shine through what we do. We hope you will join our pageant family! We would love to talk with you and spread the love! #WeAreFamily #ItsMoreThanJust

God Bless,

Dianne Turner
AmeriFest National Executive Director

Forever AmeriFest US National Pageants Supreme Winners:

Mister U.S. 2019 - Taytum Hardin
Wee Miss U.S. 2019 - Jayna May
Little Miss U.S. 2019 - Paisley Carrigan
Miss PreTeen U.S. 2019 - Naveah Frazier
Miss Teen U.S. 2019 - Maggie Woodruff
Miss U.S. 2019 - SarahAnn Croley
Ms. U.S. 2019 - Kacie Wilson
Mrs. U.S. 2019 - Karmen Marcum
Modern Miss U.S. 2019 - Amanda Marcum
Ms. U.S. Woman 2019 - Leslie Worley

Mister U.S. 2018 - Elias Byers
Wee Miss U.S. 2018 - Arianna Barco
Little Miss U.S. 2018 - Ember Genco
Miss PreTeen U.S. 2018 - Rainy Lindsey
Miss Teen U.S. 2018 - Kaylee Hollifeild
Miss U.S. 2018 - Hannah Harrison
Mrs. U.S. 2018 - Jennifer Bailey
Modern Miss U.S - Emily Campanell

Mister U.S. 2017 - Nathan Props
Wee Miss U.S. 2017 - Baylee Ball
Little Miss U.S. 2017 - Akria Willis
Miss PreTeen U.S. 2017 - Justice
Miss Teen U.S. 2017 - Shayli castel
Miss U.S. 2017 - Journey Carr
Mrs. U.S. 2017 - Whitney Carr

Wee Miss U.S. 2016 - Lyla Thomas
Miss PreTeen U.S. 2016 - Madison Hoskins
Miss Teen U.S. 2016 - Hannah Watkins
Miss U.S. 2016 - Kaitlyn Matheson
Mrs. U.S. 2016 - Tiffinay Redmon

Mister U.S. 2015 - Willie Alicea
Wee Miss U.S. 2015 - Kinsley Steele
Little Miss U.S. 2015 - Kealyn Rose Kidwell
Miss PreTeen U.S. 2015 - Isabelle Weedman
Miss Teen U.S. 2015 - Ashton Little
Miss U.S. 2015 - Anna Bingham
Mrs. U.S. 2015 - Tiffany Thissen


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Rules of AmeriFest National Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Fun Fashion, Photogenic, Costume
