This is a summer pageant program. All girls will participate in the following 3 categories.
Speech, Creative, and Talent. Girls with no professional talent will be given ideas on talent options that are user friendly to anyone. We do not have a beauty category because the pageant is to promote inner beauty which is where the young queen's true identity lies.
The girls will meet twice a week throughout the summer to work with choreographers and BGBP coaches to practice their group stage performances, poise and grace walks, speech tips, confidence building, tips to wow the audience and judges and so much more. The girls will not practice their individual categories (Creative and Talent) with us.
Their training run from May- August 2022 with the Pageant at the end of the August.
There will be a crowing of the winner for each division with a 2nd and 1st runner up and a range of prizes from cash, trips, spas, and a host of prizes.
There will also be an award ceremony before the crowning for girls who exceeded in their division in the following...
1. People's Choice award
2. Miss Marketing
3. Miss social media
4. Miss Popularity
5. Miss Speech
6. Best Dazzle Sportswear
7. Best Performing Talent
8. Best Princess Wear