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International Junior Miss Maryland and Virginia

location_icon.svgMaryland, USA date_medium_icon.svg Jul 28, 2026

About International Junior Miss Maryland and Virginia

The International Junior Miss Scholarship Program is a program organized to encourage positive achievement by helping to build self awareness in our youth and young women of today. This is the official site of the Maryland IJM Program which is a state qualifying pageant for Internationals.

Awards are provided for academic achievement, volunteer service and spirit of participation. Additional scholarships are provided for excellence in talent, modeling, public speaking and other optional categories.

International Junior Miss encourages a healthy life-style, but no swimsuit competition is required for the competition.
DC, Maryland-Virginia International Junior Miss is the official preliminary to the International Junior Miss pageant. The winner of DC, Maryland-Virginia International Junior Miss competes at the International Junior Miss pageant, representing DC, Maryland or Virginia, for a chance to win the title of International Junior Miss.

DC, Maryland-Virginia International Junior Miss has three phases of competition that include: private interview, evening gown and fun fashion. In order to compete for DC, Maryland-Virginia International Junior Miss you must be at least 4 years old and a female.

To see a full list of preliminary titles for the DC, Maryland-Virginia International Junior Miss pageant use the filtering options on https://www.pageantplanet.com/directory/category/pageant


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Rules of International Junior Miss Maryland and Virginia

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Optional Talent, Optional Photogenic, Optional Casual Wear, Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Top Model, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Optional Cover Girl, Optional Actress
