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Global United Midwest Preliminary

date_medium_icon.svg Apr 6, 2026

About Global United Midwest Preliminary

This is a preliminary competition for the international portion of Global United Pageant. The Global United Pageant is a philanthropic program committed to seeking contestants and title holders who exemplify the beauty that comes from serving others in the community. Our pageant pairs with organizations from all over the world to give to those in need.This pageant works each year to help raise funds for childhood cancer research. This is why our crowns each hold a gold ribbon in them to represent Childhood Cancer Awareness.


ReviewWrite a Review
    Jon Heitz
    09 November 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    Global United is amazing pagent system that teaches our kids that they are all amazing and can get up on that stage and rock it. The pagent inspires your kids to strive and be in the spot light do their best and lifts them up so they feel like a star.

    Alana Rand
    06 November 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    We love that Global United has felt like a family! Before we joined, we saw title holders cheering on their younger title holders that were competing in a different system! I do love that Global United has a Gold Ribbon on their crown, so everyone knows they are there to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer. Since my daughter has joined the GU family, she has made so many new friends. As a pageant mom, I love how welcoming all of the parents have been. They treat me like I am part of the family Show more

    Kimberly Eastman
    06 November 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    My daughter joined as something fun for her to do to break her out of her shell. She absolutely adores it. The pageant system itself is very inclusive from children boys and girl to adults. I love that all kids win something so no child walks away without something. The directors we have worked with in the children’s pageant have been amazing and always available for questions.

    Anna Hawk
    06 November 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    Loved that they included the boys this year. Very welcoming to contestants that never had pageant experience before like my niece but still felt large scale enough for my daughter that has done many.

Rules of Global United Midwest Preliminary

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Personal Introduction, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Photogenic, Optional Cover Girl, Onstage Question, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown
