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Miss Earth Singapore

location_icon.svgSingapore date_medium_icon.svg May 29, 2026

About Miss Earth Singapore

Miss Earth Singapore, which is a beauty pageant with a cause and responsibility, is driven by an ultimate aim to enhance our awareness and sustainable development on the environmental crisis and challenges we are facing. Every year, 4 winners will be crowned as the following representative elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire to promote environmental awareness. The winner of the earth element would represent as Miss Earth Singapore to compete in the international platform. Other subsidiary awards include Best in swimsuit, Miss Photogenic and Miss Friendship.

Miss Earth Singapore is part of an annual global search for Miss Earth (www.missearth.tv) which gathers delegates from over 90 countries all around the world to promote worthwhile environmental causes and active involvement in caring for and preserving the earth. Since 2001, the concept of Miss Earth has displayed positive results and gained worldwide recognition as one of the Top 3 beauty pageants in the world, in line with Miss Universe and Miss World contests in terms of the number of national level competitions to participate in the world finals. The reigning titleholders dedicate their year to promote environmental projects and to address issues concerning the environment.

The Miss Earth Singapore campaign will incorporate environmental and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities that will be fronted by young and vibrant Miss Earth Singapore green ambassadors to mobilise our Green & Glamour initiative which runs a 12 month environmental campaign annually, laying emphasis on its intensive environmental pursuits and activities. The integral mix of green and glamour in this campaign stamps the Miss Earth Singapore trademark to be more than just an ordinary pageant but also one that nurtures its candidates into all-rounded individuals. Miss Earth Singapore focuses the direction to have an entirely new meaning and definition for ‘not to be just another beauty pageant’ but a pageant with a cause which crowns beauty with a responsibility to save the earth.

“To increase the level of awareness, through effective influential broadcasting and other media campaigns, of the current environmental issues.”
To promote care, preservation and protection to the environment through viral environmental campaigns.
To build strong community ties while making a statement to preserve and appreciate nature.

To build a public image for our target group to become a trendsetter and spokesperson in relation to environmental protection campaign.
To enhance the communication with young people on how to be personally responsible to protecting their environment as a day-to-day task.


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Rules of Miss Earth Singapore

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Swimsuit/Fitness, Interview, Evening Gown
