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Miss Iowa Scholarship Organization

location_icon.svgDavenport, IA, USA date_medium_icon.svg Jun 9 2025

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg01 review

About Miss Iowa Scholarship Organization

Miss Iowa is an official preliminary to the Miss America Scholarship Competition.

The winner of Miss Iowa competes at the Miss America Scholarship Competition, representing Iowa, for a chance to win the title of Miss America and a $50,000 scholarship. Miss Iowa has four phases of competition that include: private interview, on-stage interview, evening gown and talent.

In order to compete for Miss Iowa you must be at least 17 years old and cannot be over 25 years old before December 31st in the year you hope to compete at the Miss America Scholarship Competition. In addition, you must reside, work or attend school in Iowa, have never been married nor have any children. You also need to have won a preliminary title.

For information on Miss Iowa's Outstanding Teen, check out their system profile here!

Check out the winners of the Miss Iowa Scholarship Competition in the past:

Miss Iowa 2019 – Emily Tinsman
Miss Iowa 2018 – Mikhayla Hughes-Shaw
Miss Iowa 2017 – Chelsea Dubczak
Miss Iowa 2016 – Kelly Koch
Miss Iowa 2015 – Taylor Wiebers
Miss Iowa 2014 – Aly Lou Olson
Miss Iowa 2013 – Nicole "Nikkie" Kelly
Miss Iowa 2012 – Mariah Cary
Miss Iowa 2011 – Jessica Pray
Miss Iowa 2010 – Pauli Mayfield
Miss Iowa 2009 – Anne Michael Langguth
Miss Iowa 2008 – Olivia Myers
Miss Iowa 2007 – Diana Reed
Miss Iowa 2006 – Emily Nicholas
Miss Iowa 2005 – Kay Pauszek
Miss Iowa 2004 – Carolyn Nicholas
Miss Iowa 2003 – Nicole White
Miss Iowa 2002 – Stephanie Moore
Miss Iowa 2001 – Erin Smith
Miss Iowa 2000 – Theresa Uchytil
Miss Iowa 1999 – Jennifer Caudle
Miss Iowa 1998 – Lisa Dondlinger
Miss Iowa 1997 – Sheri Riley
Miss Iowa 1996 – Natasha Courter
Miss Iowa 1995 – Jennifer Curry
Miss Iowa 1994 – Tammy Truitt
Miss Iowa 1993 – Nancy Van Meter
Miss Iowa 1992 – Catherine Lemkau
Miss Iowa 1991 – Lisa Somodi
Miss Iowa 1990 – Kerri Rosenberg
Miss Iowa 1989 – Jayna Sanchez
Miss Iowa 1988 – Tiffany DiBernardo
Miss Iowa 1987 – Robin Wolfram
Miss Iowa 1986 – Darcy Benton
Miss Iowa 1985 – Sherri Bowman
Miss Iowa 1984 – Debra Deitering
Miss Iowa 1983 – Karri Nussle
Miss Iowa 1982 – Linda Simon
Miss Iowa 1981 – Darla Blocker
Miss Iowa 1980 – Jane Patton
Miss Iowa 1979 – Lori Froeling
Miss Iowa 1978 – Mary England
Miss Iowa 1977 – Debra Jo Scheller
Miss Iowa 1976 – Ronda Frogley
Miss Iowa 1975 – Debbie Weuve
Miss Iowa 1974 – Jean Bollhoefer
Miss Iowa 1973 – Lynette Henninger
Miss Iowa 1972 – Renee Stuedmann
Miss Iowa 1971 – Judith Stephens
Miss Iowa 1970 – Cheryl Browne
Miss Iowa 1969 – Lois Koth
Miss Iowa 1968 – Susan Thompson
Miss Iowa 1967 – Lynda Jeanne Formanek
Miss Iowa 1966 – Pamela Ericson
Miss Iowa 1965 – Marie Mushro
Miss Iowa 1964 – Carol Johnson
Miss Iowa 1963 – Carolyn Northway
Miss Iowa 1962 – Joleen Wolf
Miss Iowa 1961 – Patti Whalen
Miss Iowa 1960 – Sally Neville
Miss Iowa 1959 – Jacquelyn Baker
Miss Iowa 1958 – Joanne MacDonald
Miss Iowa 1957 – Carol Fleck
Miss Iowa 1956 – Martha Barsness
Miss Iowa 1955 – Kay Taylor
Miss Iowa 1954 – Coral Morris
Miss Iowa 1953 – Constance VerHoef
Miss Iowa 1952 – Carolyn Hill
Miss Iowa 1951 – Nancy Jane Norman
Miss Iowa 1950 – Mary Virginia Lines
Miss Iowa 1949 – Barbara Jane Juel
Miss Iowa 1948 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1947 – Ruth Janet Anderson
Miss Iowa 1946 – Jacquline Means
Miss Iowa 1945 – Jeanne Gordon
Miss Iowa 1944 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1943 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1942 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1941 – Lorene Snoddy
Miss Iowa 1940 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1939 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1938 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1937 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1936 – Carol Bailey
Miss Iowa 1935 – Connie Rosefield
Miss Iowa 1934 – No national pageant was held
Miss Iowa 1933 – Eleanor Dankenbring
Miss Iowa 1932 – No national pageant was held
Miss Iowa 1931 – No national pageant was held
Miss Iowa 1930 – No national pageant was held
Miss Iowa 1929 – No national pageant was held
Miss Iowa 1928 – No national pageant was held
Miss Iowa 1927 – Geneva Roberts
Miss Iowa 1926 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1925 – Dorothy Nordyke
Miss Iowa 1924 – Alta Sterling
Miss Iowa 1923 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1922 – No representative at Miss America
Miss Iowa 1921 – No representative at Miss America


    Emily Folker
    07 July 2018
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    what a great pageant

Rules of Miss Iowa Scholarship Organization

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Evening Gown, Talent, Interview, Onstage Question
