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OAM Outstanding American Miss Pageant

location_icon.svgItasca, IL, USA date_medium_icon.svg Mar 22, 2025 - Mar 23, 2025

About OAM Outstanding American Miss Pageant

OAM was founded with the belief that pageants should celebrate every girl and her unique achievements. OAM believes that a good pageant should build interpersonal and public speaking skills as well as self-confidence. With extended interviews, our pageant seeks to really get to know each potential winner! We know that a good pageant should truly believe in fairness and good sportsmanship. As girls these days struggle with self-image, we hope to promote self-improvement that is not physical or cosmetic, but to celebrate a girl who is truly beautiful! A pageant queen doesn’t have to be thin, be tan or spend thousands on clothes. A queen should be someone to look up to who works hard to do the best she can for herself and her community!

That’s real royalty!


    Mercedes O'Dell
    01 May 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    This was my second year competing and I had a blast! The staff is amazing and the entire experience was wondering

Rules of OAM Outstanding American Miss Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Personal Introduction, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Talent, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Optional Photogenic, Optional Cover Girl, Optional Casual Wear, Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown
