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West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals Pageant

location_icon.svgSouth Charleston, West Virginia, USA date_medium_icon.svg Jan 11, 2026

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg00 reviews

About West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals Pageant

Every convention, we provide for a queen’s competition with the winner being crowned Miss West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals

Phases of Competition
Miss West Virginia Association of Fairs & Festivals Pageant

PHOTOGENIC COMPETITION: This area of competition is separate from the other 3 Phases of Competition considered in choosing the new WVAFF Queen. A separate panel of media judges will select Miss Photogenic. Judging will occur during the Event Promotion competition. One award will be presented after the Event Promotion Competition.

EVENT PROMOTION: All contestants will present their Event Promotion (30 second maximum) during the Friday afternoon/evening competition. All contestants will wear matching shirts (sponsored by Gambill Amusements), blue jeans with NO embellishments, traditional style white tennis shoes (flat, no wedges or platforms). No jewelry other than sponsored earrings that will be provided pageant weekend. Furthermore, contestants are expected to appear with normal makeup and hairstyles that will be seen in either interview or evening gown competition. Judges will be judging the actual presentation and the adherence to these rules. The shirts for 2019 are yellow. During each presentation a light bar will be on the stage to indicate the time remaining for each presentation. A green light will be on for the first 25 seconds, then a yellow light will come on for 5 seconds. After 30 seconds a RED light will come on. Contestants going over the 30 second time limit will be disqualified from that phase of competition only. NO PROPS ARE PERMITTED!!!!

JUDGES INTERVIEW: Competition occurs either Friday early afternoon or Saturday morning dependent on group assignment. Each contestant will participate in a 2 minute panel style interview with the judges. Judges will consider poise, communication skills, personality and natural beauty. Attire for this competition should reflect the choices of the contestant and the event being represented.

EVENING GOWN COMPETITION: This is the final phase of competition and will be held on Saturday evening. Judging is based on poise, personality, and natural beauty. All evening gowns should be floor length and banners should be worn in full wrap style. Attire should reflect the choices of the contestant the event being represented.

FIFTEEN (15) SEMI- FINALISTS: Tabulations from Event Promotion, Judges Interview and Evening Gown will determine the top 15 semifinalists. The top 15 will participate in an on-stage interview with questions being taken from the information provided on the contestant fact sheets. 5 finalists will be chosen. The judges will cast their final ballot voting considering only the 5 finalists. The queen and runner up positions will be named from the top 5 finalists.

Events wishing to send a representative to the Pageant held at the annual Convention must follow these guidelines

1.) Each fair or festival must be a current member, in good standing, of the WV Association of Fairs & Festivals for the full calendar year prior to entering a Queen in the WVAFF Pageant.

2.) A fair or festival must be an organized entity, operating through a board of directors or committee, having activities in addition to a pageant, for two consecutive years prior to entering a Queen in the WVAFF Pageant.

3.) Membership dues must have been paid on or before May 1 to send a queen contestant.

4.) Member events must have fulfilled their financial obligations to their former queen to be eligible to send a representative to the Miss WV Association of Fairs and Festivals Pageant.

5.) A contestant must have a signed contract with the Event they are representing, and a copy should have been emailed within two weeks of the date of the local pageant to WVAFF State Pageant Director.

6.) Events must have at least one delegate registered and attending the convention in addition to the queen and her parents.

7.) Entry Fee for the WVAFF Queens Pageant must be paid by the published deadline.

Notice: Each fair and festival pageant (local pageant) that is conducted by our member events is independently produced under the direction of the member event itself. While the West Virginia Association of Fairs & Festivals does accept eligible representatives as contestants in the state pageant (from member events who are in good standing), we have no control over the local pageants themselves.


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Rules of West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Photogenic, Interview, Evening Gown
