The Miss Kentucky USA & Teen USA 2009 pageant ended with Maria Montgomery winning Miss and Jefra Bland winning Teen. The two competed in Miss USA and Miss Teen USA!
The Top 5 finalists at the Miss Kentucky USA 2009 pageant were:
1RU: Brandy Fisher (4RU KY TUSA 03, 4RU KY TUSA 02)
2RU: Kaitlynne Postel (Miss KY 08)
3RU: Amanda Pittman (SF KY TUSA 07)
4RU: Albany Caudill (2RU KY TUSA 06)
Seuday Bogale
Brittany Breeze (2RU 08, SF 07)
Whitney Butler
Cara Drury
Karlynn Pegram
Katie Ramsey
Patrissa Richards
Nakisha Pergram
Samantha Shimfessel
The Top 5 finalists at the Miss Kentucky Teen USA 2009 pageant were:
1RU: Kayla Boudreaux
2RU: Hope Curry
3RU: Allison Carroll
4RU: Hanna Blanchette (4RU 08)
Allison Carroll
Kelsey Champion
Sara Beth Hall
Nichole Hollinsworth
Ellie Jolly
Katie Leavell
Scarlett Owen
Christin Stoops