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  • Compete for the Title of Dream USA Pageants


Dream USA Pageants

date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026


ReviewWrite a Review
    12 February 2018
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    I started competing with AP 3 years ago when they were still Miss Teen of America. I had just come out of a bad experience with NAM that almost ruined my desire to compete at all. Then I was found by AP, and I competed in the regional pageant. While I did not win, I did find my pageant family, and thats what we really are, a family. I am still close friends with girls I have met every single year with AP, and I have seen girls from the Pageant’s formative years, meet up again and resume being Show more

    29 August 2017
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    The Miss Teen of America program was the first pageant system I competed in when I started competing at age 17. I love what this system stands for, and it changed my whole outlook on the pageantry industry. This is the system that changed my life.

    04 April 2016
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    This Program completely changed my life! I first competed in 2008 and loved it so much that I competed again in 2010 and ended up WINNING the title of Miss Teen of Idaho! It was absolutely incredible; all thanks to this program I learned how to prepare a resume, conduct an interview, speak on stage, and I joined a network that is fully of truly wonderful people. I am still actively involved in this program because it's more like a family. I would recommend this to EVERYONE!

    03 April 2016
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    Competing in this program was a great experience for me. It focuses on the contestant as a whole and how they can be a positive role model for young people in their state. It encouraged me to get more involved in community service projects throughout my home state. I also had the opportunity to attend and be a special staff member at two state pageants. I met people from all over the country. I never would have had these opportunities or experiences without the Miss Teen of Anerica program.


  • Compete for the Title of Dream USA Pageants 2024


Rules of Dream USA Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Social Impact Initiative, Runway, Platform, Photogenic, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown, Casual Wear, Beauty
