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  • Compete for the Title of Miss Nevada Elementary, Jr. High, High School & Collegiate America

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Miss Nevada Elementary, Jr. High, High School & Collegiate America

date_medium_icon.svg Aug 31, 2026

About Miss Nevada Elementary, Jr. High, High School & Collegiate America

This is the official state preliminary to the Miss Elementary, Jr. High, High School, and Collegiate America National Pageant.

State Website: https://nevadahsapageant.wixsite.com/mysite
National Website: http://www.americashighschoolpageant.com/index.php

The Miss Nevada Elementary, Jr. High, High School, and Collegiate America National Pageant exists for the purpose of providing personal and professional opportunities for outstanding young women, who excel in academic and in community service involvement. It is our goal to provide exceptional young ladies the opportunity to compete in a pageant system that has the highest of moral values.

Elementary: Pre-K to 5th Grade
Jr. High: 6th Grade - 8th Grade
High School: 9th Grade - 11th Grade
Collegiate: 12th Grade - Enrolled in a College, University, Beauty School, or Trade School as an undergraduate or post-graduate student, no older than 27.

*All grades/enrolled are as of September 1st of the competition year.

Areas of Competition for Elementary:
Fashion Runway
Evening Gown

Areas of Competition for Jr. High, High School, and Collegiate:
Evening Gown
Fashion Runway


    Zoey Speckhals
    05 September 2022
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    I love this system and the directors. It’s rare when you feel like family with the directors and have a strong support system from them. It is very organized and well put together. The girls do a lot together and it is usually all planned in advanced which is appreciated. Nationals in Little Rock is a blast. It’s more about the girl herself and they really encourage making friendships with so many activities during Nationals! I love it!


  • Compete for the Title of Miss Nevada Elementary, Jr. High, High School & Collegiate America 2025


Rules of Miss Nevada Elementary, Jr. High, High School & Collegiate America

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Optional Photogenic, Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown
