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Miss Vermont Scholarship Pageants

location_icon.svgVermont, USA date_medium_icon.svg Apr 12, 2026

About Miss Vermont Scholarship Pageants

Miss Vermont is the official preliminary to the Miss America pageant. The winner of Miss Vermont represents Vermont at the Miss America pageant for a chance to win the title of Miss America.

Miss Vermont has four phases of competition that include: private interview, on-stage question, talent and evening gown. In order to compete for Miss Vermont, you must live in Vermont, be between the ages of 17 - 25 and have won a preliminary title. Additionally, to qualify you must be a female who has never married and who does not have any children.

Forever Miss Vermont's:

2019- Jillian Fisher
2018- Julia Crane
2017- Erin Conno
2016- Rylee Field
2015- Alayna Westcom
2014- Lucy Edward
2013- Jeanelle Ache
2012- Chelsea Ingram
2011- Katie Levasseur
2010- Caroline Bright
2009- Laura Hall
2008- Ashley Wheeler
2007- Rachel Ann Cole
2006- Sarah Watson
2005- Megan Plebani
2004- Megan Yardley
2003- Drell Latasha Hunter
2002- Sarah Jo Willey
2001- Amy Marie Johnson
2000- Hannah Jane Nelson
1999- Katy Johnson
1998- Aimee Rzewuski
1997- Jill Renee Cummings
1996- Nicole Juvan
1995- Jennifer Faucette
1994- Vanessa Branch
1993- Jacqueline Quirk
1992- Nicole Gentry
1991- Tina Ostrowski
1990- Debra Lewin
1989- Catherine Stillinger
1988- Julie Tidd
1987- Susan Bora
1986- Michelle Dawson
1985- Erica Van Der Linde
1984- Lorrie Glosick
1983- Juliet Lambert
1982- Jill Wyckoff
1981- Kimberly Nestle
1980- Carole Spolar
1979- Shari Bach
1978- Lisa Volkert
1977- Andrea Petty
1976- Suzanne Wind
1975- Katherine Rechsteiner
1974- Donna Shea
1973- Joylynn McCraw
1972- Kathy Hebert
1971- Sue Glover
1970- Pati Papineau
1969- Barbara Schmitt
1968- Elizabeth Sackler
1967- Kathleen Rowley
1966- Karen Tuttle
1965- Lois Dodge
1964- Jean Conner
1963- Melissa Hetzel
1962- Elaine Wright
1961- Janice Cole
1960- Anne Masino
1959- Brenda Naatz
1958- Sandra Sinclair
1957- Joan Hewitt
1956- Sandra Simpson
1955- Phyllis Reich
1954- Annabelle Pinkham
1953- Carlene King Johnson
1952- Barbara Moore
1951- Peggy Gilbert
1950- Eleanor Kangas
1949- Annalou Johnston
1948- Jean Peatman
1947- Barbara Campbell
1946- Lola Sundberg
1945- Mary Staikos
To see a full list of preliminary titles for the Miss Vermont pageant use the filtering options on https://www.pageantplanet.com/directory/category/pageant


    Emma Danaher
    17 April 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    Overall fantastic experience!


  • Compete for the Title of Miss Vermont's Teen 2024

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Miss Vermont's Teen 2024


Rules of Miss Vermont Scholarship Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Evening Gown, Talent, Interview, Onstage Question, Swimsuit/Fitness
