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  • Compete for the Title of Mr and Ms Uniform

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Mr and Ms Uniform

date_medium_icon.svg Mar 21, 2026

About Mr and Ms Uniform

The pageant aims to provide a platform for learners to showcase their unique qualities, talents, and intelligence while promoting camaraderie and unity within the education community. In addition to celebrate academic excellence and also utilize the platform to promote important values and social awareness among learners.
To ensure that all schools in the district participate in the competition that will promote the image of schools and education in general (the objective will be implemented in phases, starting with 20 High Schools in the first year then adding all high schools then extend it to all schools in the district over the years).
We plan to organise this pageant in four phases as follows:
1. Phase 1 In 2024, 20 high Schools will be invited to participate Phuthaditjhaba area
as a pilot.
2. Phase 2 In 2025, all high schools in all 13 circuits will be invited.
3. Phase 3 In 2026-2027 Invitation will be extended to all intermediary schools.
4. Phase 4 in 2028-2030 and beyond primary schools will also be included in the
pageant. All participating schools will host their own local pageant and crown their King and Queens, followed by the circuit winners that will culminate to them representing their schools in the District Finals.
The district Final event will be hosted on 25 September 2024 on Heritage Day. Preliminary pageants will be hosted in local schools from March 2024. We will initially pilot with twenty high schools in Phuthaditjhaba and include all schools from primary to high school by 2030.


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  • Compete for the Title of Mr and Ms Uniform 2024


Rules of Mr and Ms Uniform

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Swimsuit/Fitness, Talent, Optional Talent, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Actress, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Cover Girl, Beauty, Sports, Scholastics, Crowning Moment, Social Impact Initiative, Most Promising Model, Creative Expression, Platform, Personality, Smile, Formal Wear, Mrs. Popularity, Fitness, Best Attire, Best Smile, Best Personality, Headshots, Resume, Beauty With a Purpose, Photogenic, Fun Fashion
