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  • Compete for the Title of Mrs. Nebraska America & Miss Nebraska For America Strong

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Mrs. Nebraska & Miss Nebraska for America Strong Pageant 2024

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Mrs. Nebraska America & Miss Nebraska For America Strong

location_icon.svgLincoln, NE, USA date_medium_icon.svg Jun 22, 2026 call_icon.svg (308) 289-6908 website_icon.svgView Website

About Mrs. Nebraska America & Miss Nebraska For America Strong

Are you looking for an opportunity to meet other amazing accomplished women and grow your networking & personal development? You have come to the right place!

The Mrs. Nebraska & Miss Nebraska for America Strong is a state pageant with the mission and vision to crown amazing women, but give them the opportunity far beyond their dreams! We strive to help them make an impact and grow as a whole person. Meeting other strong amazing women located in the state of Nebraska.

Two Divisions of Competition:

Mrs. Nebraska American:
This is for married women over the age of 18 who live in the state of Nebraska. They must have been born female. They must have also been married prior to competing in the pageant.

Miss Nebraska for America Strong:
Contestants must be over the age of 18. They can be widowed, single, or legally divorced. If a contestant that is divorced must be divorced prior to the date of completion. Contestants also must reside in the state of Nebraska and be born female.

Areas of Competition:
Interview (50%)
Swimsuit (25%)
Evening Gown (25%)

For any questions about eligibility, please call: Adair Reese at 308-289-69089


    Ashima Choudhary
    30 April 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    It was great experience to be part of MRS. NEBRASKA AMERICA & MISS NEBRASKA FOR AMERICA STRONG 2023 as Contestant. Many Thanks to all Organizers , Judges, Sponsors, Director Adair Reese and fellow contestant. I am Super happy and thankful to all my Sponsors Voters and friends and family who were cheering for me throughout all my Pageant journey. proudly announce that being a first timer I bring title home as 2nd Runner up MRS. NEBRASKA AMERICA 2023


  • Compete for the Title of Mrs. Nebraska America & Miss Nebraska For America Strong 2025

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Mrs. Nebraska & Miss Nebraska for America Strong Pageant 2024


Staff of Mrs. Nebraska America & Miss Nebraska For America Strong

  • staff member

    Adair Reese

    Executive Director, 2020 - Present

    Adair was Mrs. Nebraska 2019 & National Mrs. Congeniality 2019. She currently resides in Grant, Nebraska with her husband, Jason, and their two children Alec & Ava. The two have been married for over 20 years.

Rules of Mrs. Nebraska America & Miss Nebraska For America Strong

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Swimsuit/Fitness, Interview, Evening Gown, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Talent, Optional Scrapbook, Optional Photogenic
