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  • Compete for the Title of Proverbs Thirty-One Beauty Pageant

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Proverbs Thirty-One Beauty Pageant

location_icon.svg6250 Westpark Drive Suite 212 date_medium_icon.svg Feb 24, 2026

About Proverbs Thirty-One Beauty Pageant

Proverbs 31 Beauty Pageant is taking contestants to be in the Pageant.
1st Prizes $10,000, New 2024 Toyota Camry, Trip to Hawaii 4 days, Photoshoot, and Crown
2nd Prize $5,000, Trip to the Bahamas 3 days, Photoshoot, and Crown
3rd Prize $2,500, Photoshoot, and Crown

What if I don't win? All women are winners you get all of this and more just for becoming a contestant:
? Get Manicures & Pedicures 4-times ( $320 value Free)
?You will get a free business start-up (Business Plan, EIN#, DUN#, and a Business Coach) ($4,900 value Free)
? Etiquette classes ($399 value Free)
? Online Training ( $525 Value Free)
? Personal Credit Repair/Building ($1,200 Value Free)
? Business Credit Building ($2,500 Value Free)
? Cooking Classes ($1,000 Value Free)
? Get Certification ( $800 Value Free)
? Build Confidence ( Priceless Free)
? All Contestants get 3 Days 2 Nights 5-star Hotel Stay for being a contestant. ($499 Value Free)

Benefits to Contestant that Refer:

It Only costs $50 to Join but if you refer 5 people that Pay their Registration Fee, your Enrollment is FREE!

Benefits to Non-Profits, 501c(3), Churches, or Charities that refer:

Proverbs gives $500 to All Non-Profits 501c(3), Churches, or Charities that Register Five Ladies in the Pageant, that complete all of the assignments and requirements. Also, Nonprofits, 501c(3), Churches, or charities Every Business Will receive $500 total for the 5 women representing them. If one of the businesses that representative places 1st Place the business gets $2,0000 if the place 2nd Place the business gets $1,500 and if the representative gets 3rd place they receive $1,000. But ALL businesses that have at least 5 women registered to represent their business will receive $500 on the day the Proverbs 31 Pageant is Held. A Check will be presented to the business in the business name if someone from the company is present if not the check will be mailed to the company within 30 days after the Proverbs 31 Beauty Pageant event.

Question & Answers:
What is Proverbs 31 Beauty Pageant? It is a Christian-based pageant that focuses on the total woman becoming a virtuous woman. We are not just a Pageant System, we are a Lifestyle Change System. Everyone leaves a winner because they get something that changes their lives, and everyone becomes a Business Owner which Proverbs 31 Helps you start your own Online business or become Ms. Proverbs 31. The Only Pageant System that you get way more than you put in.
How does the Pageant afford all that they give with such a small registration of only $50? Proverbs 31 Beauty Pageant System, because it is such a life-changing Program we have Several Sponsors, Donations, and a small portion of your Community Service fee goes to help with Cost.
Are there any other fees besides the $50 fee that I must pay? $ 50 registration is the only fee you, but you are required to raise $2000 to compete. (The greatest part about our system is we already have things in place that help you raise that money you just have to be willing to participate)
I have never been in a pageant can I compete? No Experience Needed.
What size do I have to be? You can be xx Small or 7x Large ( we don't judge on the outside only )
What Ages? 18 to 70 years olds
Can I be Married? Yes, you can compete and be Married or Not.
Can I have Children? Yes, you can compete with children or Not.
Can I be Divorced? Yes, you can compete even if you have been divorced.
Do I have to Compete in Swim Suit Competition? Yes, You can wear 2 pieces or one piece that is your Choice. Proverbs 31 Builds confidence as you take this journey, that we go back to Eden, that a Proverbs 31 Woman is confident and Proud of her body.


ReviewWrite a Review
    Damelsa Holmes
    16 August 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    I'm glad to be a contestants of Proverb31 it's really one of the greatest peagant of lifetime ???

    Happiness James
    31 July 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    This organization is a scam and i have proofs to back it up. There are no past queens he just randomly use woman and emotionally blackmail them into making then queens of previous years most of the accounts here that posted a review are cloned accounts imposters they dont exist.

    Achiaa Godspower
    20 July 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    The production quality of the pagent was a top-notch.the design, lightening and sound created a captivating atmosphere.

    Chidera Emmanuella
    20 July 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    I had an amazing experience attending proverb 31 event.....the organizers did a fantastic job by keeping us all informed and engaged through out the competition....I can't wait to attend the next pagent ???


  • Compete for the Title of Proverbs 31 State Beauty Pageant 2024


Staff of Proverbs Thirty-One Beauty Pageant

  • staff member

    Dr. Kenton Edward Emmanuel Connor

    Owner, 2010 - Present

    Dr. Kenton Edward Emmanuel Connor is the Owner of Proverbs 31 Beauty Pagent, he is a Senior Pastor, Author of over 60 Books, Business Coach, President of the Christian Millionaire Club. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, traveling, and fishing.

  • staff member

    Emmanuella Akor Connor

    1st Vice President, 2023 - Present

    Emmanuella Akor is the Vice President of the Proverbs 31 Beauty Pageant.

  • staff member

    Maxine Malika

    Recruiter Executive, 2019 - Present

    Maxine Malika is the Recruiter Executive she handles all the recruiter progress.

  • staff member

    Jarisbeth Johnson

    2023 Ms. Proverbs 31, 2017 - Present

    Current 2023 Ms. Proverbs 31

Rules of Proverbs Thirty-One Beauty Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Swimsuit/Fitness, Evening Gown, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Beauty With a Purpose
