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Colorado Cinderella Scholarship Program

date_medium_icon.svg May 27, 2025

About Colorado Cinderella Scholarship Program

The Colorado Cinderella pageant is entering its 16th year as a program in Colorado. The International Cinderella Scholarship Program, founded in 1976, has grown into the largest and most prestigious scholarship oriented pageant system of its kind in the world. Throughout its 40+ year history Cinderella has championed the need and value of higher education for women and has promoted that goal by awarding millions of dollars in cash college scholarships to young women from the United States and a host of foreign countries.
In Cinderella we are searching for a natural, unaffected young lady to represent our program. She should be charming and personable; well groomed and poised; self-confident; and above all have the character, humility and inner beauty that sets her apart as a leader. A Cinderella winner is at ease in a crowd and is respectful of those around her. Her manners, dress and behavior are age appropriate. It is important to note that the concept of “beauty” in Cinderella is defined as a person’s “inner beauty” and strength of character combined with her personal achievements in at least one area of the performing arts as well as her ability to communicate effectively with others. Cinderella does not place emphasis on physical beauty, but rather seeks to promote the beautiful inner person that should reside in everyone.
If you would like to learn more about our program, meet some of our dynamic young people and see what Cinderella has to offer both its participants and directors, please explore our site. Also, be sure to stop by our Facebook site and say hello. We welcome your comments and suggestions and hope that you will want to become a part of this amazing program for young women!
All the best,
Bryan & Tracy Tate, State Director


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  • Compete for the Title of Colorado Cinderella Scholarship Program 2025


Rules of Colorado Cinderella Scholarship Program

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Talent, Photogenic, Casual Wear
