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  • Compete for the Title of Eagle Wings Pageantry & Eagle Wings of Service

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Eagle Wings Pageantry Presents: We want to see you be "BRAVE" pageant and fundraiser 2024

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Eagle Wings Pageantry & Eagle Wings of Service

date_medium_icon.svg Sep 7, 2025

About Eagle Wings Pageantry & Eagle Wings of Service


Cobblestone Arts Center (ROCHESTER, NY)
Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 8 AM EDT – 5 PM EDT

Each Age Division will crown a QUEEN winning a beautiful red and gold crown, PRIZE, and custom sash.
5 Will pull for higher titles by earning their WINGS to the finish line, winning a beautiful red and gold crown, CASH PRIZE and custom sash.
1 ULTIMATE GRAND SUPREME (Contestant with highest 3 event combined score of the day) $$$ PRIZE, CROWN, CUSTOM SASH
2 GRAND SUPREMES- One from age 0-12 and one from 13+ highest combined score in formal wear and runway. $$ PRIZE, CROWN, CUSTOM SASH
2 MINI SUPREMES - One from age 0-12 and one from 13+ highest combined score in formal wear and photogenic. $$ PRIZE, CROWN, CUSTOM SASH
All contestants will receive a gift bag and tiara for trying their best. Only Queens and Supremes will earn sashes and crowns.
Phases of Competition
Formal Wear- This is your time to soar, we will provide music. Formal dresses should be full length for ages 10+. No Glitz dresses please. Stoning on formal dresses is allowed. (Judged on appearance, poise, and presentation)
Rattle the Runway- Wear anything black, white, gold, or red and model for the judges. (Our music, routines are not allowed, modeling only, judged on appearance and overall personality)
Photogenic- Submit one headshot or print model photograph to be judged on overall appearance. (No glitz photos please)
0-3 Years Old
4-6 Years Old
7-9 Years Old
10-12 Years Old
13-15 Years Old
16-19 Years Old
20+ Years Old
Elite (Anyone over 35 years old)
Best Smile, Best Eyes, Best Personality, Best Dressed, & Best Hair.
Each Division will award the contestant in these categories with a small prize.
$50.00 deposit due with registration,
$75.00 Balance owed 1 week prior to pageant.
Mandatory Custom Crowing T-Shirt- $15.00
Tickets- $10.00 each (Contestants get one FREE ticket with entry for a person of their choosing)
VENMO- @Beth-Espada
PAYPAL- [email protected]


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  • Compete for the Title of Eagle Wings Pageantry Presents: We want to see you be "BRAVE" pageant and fundraiser 2024

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Eagle Wings Pageantry Presents: We want to see you be "BRAVE" pageant and fundraiser 2024


Rules of Eagle Wings Pageantry & Eagle Wings of Service

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Theme Wear, Runway, Photogenic, Evening Gown, Costume, Interview, Social Impact Initiative, Resume, Platform
