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International Junior Miss Virginia

date_medium_icon.svg Jul 28, 2026

About International Junior Miss Virginia

The International Junior Miss Scholarship Program is a program organized to encourage positive achievement by helping to build self awareness in our youth and young women of today.

Awards are provided for academic achievement, volunteer service and spirit of participation. Additional awards are provided for excellence in talent, modeling, public speaking and other optional categories.

The Virginia state pageant will be awarding 7 prestigious titles.

Contestants in the IJM Virginia State Pageant will get to represent their city, county, or local area with a local title, crown and sash. Contestants are encouraged to wear the crown and sash leading up to the state pageant at appearances and community service opportunities to promote the IJM system and represent your local area.

Junior Division:
Jr. Princess (Ages 4 – 6)
Princess (Ages 7 – 9)
Pre-Teen (Ages 10 – 12)

Senior Division:
Jr. Teen (Ages 13 – 15)
Teen (Ages 16 – 18)
Miss (Ages 19 – 24)
Ms. (Ages 21* - 45)
*25-45 may be single/divorced and may have given birth to a child/21-45 may be married or previously married*


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Rules of International Junior Miss Virginia

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Top Model, Optional Talent, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Optional Photogenic, Optional Cover Girl, Optional Casual Wear, Optional Actress
