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Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture

date_medium_icon.svg Oct 14, 2026

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About Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture

About the 2024 Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture Pageant

Welcome to the 2024 Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture Pageant, where women of all ages come together to advocate for American agriculture. This event, set to take place on October 21st, 2023, at the Taylor County High School Auditorium, offers a platform for contestants to celebrate the beauty and strength of American agriculture.

Ages Divisions

Our pageant features various age divisions, aligned with ages as of January 1st, 2024. These divisions ensure a fair competition and include:

Tiny Miss (0-3 Years Old)
Future Little Miss (4-6 Years Old)
Little Miss (7-9 Years Old)
Junior Miss (10-12 Years Old)
Teen Miss (13-16 Years Old)
Miss (17-21 Years Old)
Ms. (22-35 Years Old)
Mrs. (22-35 Years Old)
Elite Ms. (36+ Years Old)

Registration is now open! The registration fee for Tiny Miss, Future Little Miss, and Junior Miss is $75, which includes a county crown and sash.

For Teen Miss, Miss, Ms., Mrs., and Elite Ms., the registration fee is $100, also including a county crown and sash.

Competition Areas

Contestants will be evaluated based on the following competition areas:

Required Areas of Competition:

On-Stage Introduction
Evening Wear
Optional Areas of Competition:

State Fun Fashion
State Titles Awarded

Winners will receive the Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture embroidered sash, state crown, and a beautiful rhinestone sash pin. Scholarships will be awarded based on division, along with a prize package from our sponsors. Titleholders will be encouraged to compete at the National Pageant in July 2023.

Additional Titles Awarded

In addition to the traditional titles based on competition scores, we also recognize excellence in other areas:

Kentucky People's Choice: One title is awarded at the state and national levels based on monetary donations, with one vote equal to $1.

Kentucky Miss Agriculture Advocacy Ambassador: This title goes to the queen actively involved in volunteering, advocating, and promoting our program. She's a role model for young ladies nationwide and in the agriculture industry.

Kentucky Cover Miss: Awarded to the queen who sells the most ad pages. Her photo and title are featured on the cover of the state Program book.

Kentucky Spokesmodel: Presented to the queen who recruits the most contestants to join the Miss United States Agriculture Program.

Mandatory Ad Page

To compete at the State Pageant, County Queens must submit a $150 sponsorship. This 1/2 sponsorship covers a half-page ad in the Program book (4.5 inches x 7.5 inches HORIZONTAL), one Program Book, one door admission to the Pageant (for your parent chaperone or guest), one Miss United States Agriculture Competition T-shirt, and options for Interview, State Fun Fashion, and Essay entries.

Contact the Kentucky State Director

For more information and inquiries, please reach out to our Kentucky State Director:

Leslie Streeval
Facebook: Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture
Email: [email protected]

Join us for the 2024 Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture Pageant, where we celebrate American agriculture and the remarkable women who advocate for it


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Rules of Kentucky Miss United States Agriculture

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Swimsuit/Fitness, Runway, Personality, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown, Costume
