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  • Compete for the Title of Kraut Pageant

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Kraut Pageant

date_medium_icon.svg May 8, 2025

About Kraut Pageant

The Kraut Queen is tradition that spans over 60 years! The first ever Kraut Queen was crowned in 1959! We are honored to keep this tradition going!
This year, 2024, the Kraut Queen ages are 14-19, the Kraut Princess ages are 9-13 and the Mini Kraut Princess ages are 4-8. Applicants must live in Racine or Racine County. Our Queen & Princess winners will need to be available for local appearances, parades, advertising and community service projects together in the area. So please be aware that we are located in Racine, WI as most events will take place in or near Racine/Racine County.
There will be an 3 minute interview by a panel of 4 judges and an age appropriate onstage question as well as an application for each participant.
Only the Queens will need to write an essay.
This is a very casual pageant. No gowns required. Just a sundress/party dress. Makeup is optional.
There will be one winner and one 1st runner up per age division and there will be many “side award” winners.
Side Awards are:
Model Look
Best Smile
Best Dressed
Prettiest Eyes
Best Hair
At this time, this will be an in person pageant at The Branch at 1501 in uptown Racine. Judging will be on May 8th at 5:30pm, in the event that the Fest goes on this summer, the crowning will be at the fest, if not, then the crowning will take place after interviews at The Branch on the 8th.
This Pageant is FREE of charge due to our AMAZING Sponsors! No fees for side awards or other will apply. Please keep in mind to be as detailed as possible on your applications as this is what the judges will be referencing to ask questions during the contestants interview.


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  • Compete for the Title of Kraut Pageant 2024


Rules of Kraut Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Photogenic, Onstage Question
