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Louisiana Pecan Festival Pageant

location_icon.svgColfax, Louisiana 71417, USA date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026

About Louisiana Pecan Festival Pageant

The Louisiana Pecan Festival Teen, Miss, & Ms. Queens’ Pageant - “Starting the First Full Weekend in November”

General Information
Entry Fees are as follows. Payment is due upon submission of entry form. Entry forms and photographs are due NO LATER than THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2019:
• Teen Queen division (15 & 16 years of age): $75.00
• Miss Queen division (17-23 years of age): $75.00
• Ms. Queen division (24 years of age & up, singled or married): $75.00 (payment due
upon submission of entry form)
• Photogenic: $10.00 – Please send 5”x7” photograph upon submission of entry form
Contestants should arrive by 9:30 am at the Louisiana Pecan Festival Office (611 8th St, Colfax, LA 71417) for registration. Contestants should be dressed and ready for their interview upon arrival.
Interviews will start promptly at 10:00 am, after registration and a brief introduction of the Louisiana Pecan Festival Board and pageant committee.
After interviews (approximately 12:00 pm), contestants are invited to stay and eat lunch at the festival office or leave to dress.
After the lunch, contestants will be allowed into Colfax Elementary School to get ready. Only one person will be allowed with each contestant in the dressing rooms; they will be asked to leave by 3:15 pm.
The Pageant will begin at 4:00 pm at the Colfax Elementary School Gym. All contestants not getting dressed at the school are required to be at Colfax Elementary School no later than 3:15 pm. Cost to enter will be $5.00 for adults and children 12 years and younger enter at no charge.

What will I be judged on?
The pageant judging will be based on the following categories: interview, sportswear, on-stage presentation, evening gown presentation, and on-stage question. All of the categories will be weighed differently but total scores from each category will be tallied together for the final score. Interview will consist of 40% of your total score. Sportswear will consist of 10% of your score. On-state presentation will consist of 10% of your total score. Evening gown presentation will consist of 30% of your total score. On-stage question will consist of 10% of your total score
What do I need to know for the interview?
What to wear – A skirted business suit, nude colored stockings, and taupe shoes are required. It is suggested to pick a suit that fits you best in a color that compliments you. Make sure your skirt is not too short! Hair and make-up should be worn appropriately.
What will they ask me – Make sure you are knowledgeable of the information you put on your entry form,
so it is suggested to make a copy of it before you submit it. Also be sure that you are up to date on current world events. It is important for you to find out everything you can about the history of the Louisiana Pecan Festival. Answer every question truthfully, but most importantly, from the heart. And it is always important to know the answer these two important questions: Why do you want to be the next Louisiana Pecan Festival Queen? Why should you be chosen as the next Louisiana Pecan Festival Queen?
What is sportswear?!
Sportswear is the fun part of the competition where you can show off your personality by modeling a dressy casual outfit of your choice on stage (no midriffs, extremely short skirts or shorts please). A sun dress and cowboy boots, a cute pant suit, a sassy cocktail dress – anything fun and that describes you. If you are not exactly sure how to model sportswear, you will be shown, so don’t worry.
What is an on-stage presentation?
Your on-stage presentation should do four things: introduce who you are, your contestant number, welcoming everyone in the audience to the pageant, and invite everyone to the Pecan Festival. It needs to be at least 30 seconds to one minute long, catchy, fun, and inviting. Again, this is a way to show your individuality.
What do I need to know for the evening gown presentation?
A floor-length evening gown is required. Choose a cut that flatters your body type and a color that is complimentary to you. Ear rings are the only piece of jewelry you should wear – no rings, necklaces, chokers, bracelets, or gloves. Hair and make-up should be appropriate for a formal setting. Again, if you are not exactly sure how to model your evening gown, don’t worry – you’ll be shown.
On-stage question??
You will be required to answer a question on stage that you will not know before the pageant. They are not difficult questions. Promise! And you are not being judged on right or wrong answers. You are being judged on how well you handle yourself under a little pressure, how good you are about thinking on your feet. Again, your Pecan Festival knowledge and knowledge of your entry form might come in handy ;)
I hope this helps you prepare for the pageant. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Danielle Yerby at 318.664.1048.


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Rules of Louisiana Pecan Festival Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown
