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Miss Alabama AmeriFest

date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026

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About Miss Alabama AmeriFest

Alabama Festivals State Pageant - Celebrating Beauty and Community Service

Welcome to the Alabama Festivals State Pageant, an official state pageant for AmeriFest National Pageants. Our faith and community service-based system aims to connect and promote pageants driven by state festivals, fairs, and community service from all around the country. We celebrate diverse forms of beauty and offer age divisions for contestants of every age, size, and ability.

Required Competitions:

Boys and Girls age 0-8 and STAR divisions will compete in Evening Wear.
All contestants aged 9 and up will compete in Evening Wear and Interview.
Pageant Schedule (Sample):

Saturday, May 20th

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Drop-in registration for all contestants.
10:00 AM: Interviews for contestants aged 9 and up.
12:00 PM: Pageant Orientation.
2:00 PM: Runway Competition.
3:00 PM: Talent Competition.
5:00 PM: Award Ceremony & Rhinestone Rodeo.
Sunday, May 21st

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Open Stage.
11:00 AM: Evening Wear and crowning for ages 0-3 and all boys.
1:00 PM: Rehearsal for ages 4-8 and STAR.
2:00 PM: Rehearsal for ages 9 and up.
4:00 PM: Evening Wear and crowning for ages 4-8 and STAR.
6:00 PM: Evening Wear and Crowning for ages 9 and up.
Supreme Brackets & Age Divisions:

One queen and her court will be named in each age division.
The title of Miss Alabama Grand Supreme will be awarded to the overall highest scorer in each supreme bracket that includes multiple age divisions.
Other supreme titles include Mini Supreme, Novice Supreme, Beauty Supreme, and Personality Supreme.
Specific age divisions and titles are available for boys and girls in various age groups.
Optional Competitions:

We offer various optional competitions, including Little's Interview, Photogenic, Runway, Talent, and Spokesmodel (ALICE Award).
Optional competition winners in each supreme bracket will be recognized.
Featured Photo Contests:

Contestants can submit photos for various categories, including Cover Model, Centerfold, Top Model, and Theme Photo.
Wardrobe Guide:

Contestants should follow specific attire guidelines based on age divisions. These include Evening Wear, State T-Shirt, Black Cocktail, Party Dress, Romper, Jumpsuit, and more.
Community Service Project:

A core aspect of all AmeriFest pageants is community service. Each pageant takes on a community service project that contestants are encouraged to participate in.
Earn Your Way to a Crown with Ad Sales:

Contestants can sell ad pages to local businesses, friends, and family to receive various incentives, including free pageant entries and premium program books.
We look forward to celebrating beauty, talent, and community service at the Alabama Festivals State Pageant. Join us in this exciting event that combines glamour with a commitment to making a positive impact on the community.


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Rules of Miss Alabama AmeriFest

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown
