The Miss All-American Ingenue Pageant, held in the heart of Oklahoma, focuses on the personalities, poise and outreach of the modern American woman. Women across the United States are invited to join us for this pageant!
Contestants can compete in one of many categories; Junior Miss All-American Ingenue (7 Years Old to 10 Years Old,) Pre-Teen Miss All-American Ingenue (11 Years Old to 14 Years Old,) Teen Miss All-American Ingenue (15 Years Old to 19 Years Old,) Ms. All-American Ingenue (20 Years Old to 29 Years Old,) Mrs. All-American Ingenue (30+ Years Old.)
At the Miss All-American Ingenue Pageant, we focus on the good contestants have done not just for themselves, but others. We want to hear about your community service, your good deeds done, testimonies from others who know you; we want to know about you as a whole, not just surface level.
Join us today for a chance to become the first Miss All-American Ingenue!