This is a CROWN ALL pageant in memory of Nancy Cook who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2022. She wouldve loved to have been a part of her great granddaughters pageants and this is how we are going to include her. All proceeds will go towards her headstone
Age divisions are:
Baby miss 0-12m
Wee miss 12-24m
Toddler miss 2-3
Tiny miss 4-5
Little miss 6-7
Petite miss 8-9
Junior miss 10-12
Teen miss 13+
There will be a queen and 3 runner ups and princesses if needed. There will also be 3 high points if you choose to be added. 0-3,4-7,8+
Price will be 50$ for beauty and side awards
10$ to be added to high point until May 4th then the price goes up to 75$ plus 10$ for high point
There will be peoples choice- 1$=1vote and whoever gets the most votes wins a crown in ages 0-3,4-7,8+
We also have a Sponsor Queen- ANYONE who raises 175$+ will receive a 3ft rhinestone trophy and an 8in crown. This will have a deadline in order to order the gifts for each contestant. The deadline is May 15th