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Miss Black USA

date_medium_icon.svg Sep 30 2025

About Miss Black USA

Miss Black USA is the largest and oldest scholarship pageant for Black women in America. Eighty percent of it’s state and national titleholders are in graduate or professional school. The pageant has a global reach extending beyond the U.S. to Africa and has a library at a local primary school in West Africa named in its honor.

It’s participants are who’s who of young women of color. Miss Black USA doesn’t just help you to compete and win on stage, they help you compete and win in life. Review the many testimonials and “Where Are They Now” stories at www.missblackusa.org.

The Miss Black U.S.A. Pageant and Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit corporation. It's more than a pageant, it's a movement.

The Miss Black U.S.A. Pageant celebrates scholastic achievement and believes that education is the key to lifelong success and empowerment. The Miss Black USA Pageant promotes education and leadership by providing scholarship opportunities to its winners.

The Miss Black USA Pageant is a bold celebration of beauty, culture + identity. Miss Black USA is a community driven organization and is committed to celebrating, educating and elevating girls and young African American women. The winners of the official "Miss Black USA" state pageants use their civic platform to promote awareness of these issues during her reign. Our current national partnership is with the Heart Truth Campaign which raises awareness of heart disease the #1 killer of women in the U.S. and disproportionately affects women of color.


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Rules of Miss Black USA

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Evening Gown, Talent, Interview, Activewear
