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Miss Curve Nederland

date_medium_icon.svg Jul 9, 2026

About Miss Curve Nederland

Miss Curve is the first pageant especially for curvy ladies in the Netherlands. Our mission is to learn the ladies to respect themselves, respect others and be who they want to be. We give a platform to let them share their advocacy and most of all, we give them a stage to shine bright! The winners will receive the National & International titles.

You're Directors are:

Founder & National Director Miss Voluptuous Netherlands - Joyce Holman-Gorter

Co-founder & International Director Miss Voluptuous Netherlands - Zjamila Soraya

Joyce will arange everything for the Dutch delegates who compete at Miss Voluptuous International. She also manage the national pageant from the casting till the finale with Zjamila and 2 Executive Assistants. Besides that, she keeps in touch with location managers and sponsors.

Zjamila is beside her role also the Choreographer and Creative Director. Every year she learns the delegates the openingdance and she does all the graphics for the show and website. Zjamila will travel with the delegates to the USA to support them during their final week.

Please reach out for us on Instagram @misscurvenederland. We love to meet people around the globe!


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Rules of Miss Curve Nederland

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Personal Introduction, Swimsuit/Fitness, Evening Gown, Crowning Moment, Platform, Onstage Question
