About Miss Heart of Pilot/Miss Taste of the Twin Cities
The Miss Taste of the Twin Cities pageant is open to women ages 17 - 24 who live in or attend school in Louisiana. The winner of the Miss Taste of the Twin Cities pageant will participate in the Miss Louisiana pageant to be held in Monroe in June. Visit www.tasteofthetwincities.org for more information or to download the pageant application. You can also visit misslouisiana.org for more information.
The Outstanding Teen pageant is open to girls ages 13 - 17 who live in or attend school in Louisiana. The winner of the Outstanding Teen pageant will participate in Louisiana's Outstanding Teen pageant in Monroe in June. The entry fee for the Outstanding Teen pageant is $100. Visit www.tasteofthetwincities.org for more information or to download the pageant application.
The Little Miss pageant is open to girls ages 10-12 who live in or attend school in Ouachita, Lincoln, Union, Richland, Caldwell, or Franklin parishes. The entry fee for the Fleur De Lis contestants is $75. Visit www.tasteofthetwincities.org for more information or to download the application.
The Fleur de Lis Princess pageant is open to girls ages 5 - 9 who live in or attend school in Ouachita, Lincoln, Union, Richland, Caldwell, or Franklin parishes. The winner of the Fleur de Lis pageant will accompany Miss Taste of the Twin Cities to the Miss Louisiana pageant in June. The entry fee for the Fleur De Lis contestants is $75. Visit www.tasteofthetwincities.org for more information or to download the Fleur de Lis application.