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  • Compete for the Title of Miss Idaho Teen Volunteer

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Miss Idaho Teen Volunteer

date_medium_icon.svg Mar 6, 2026

About Miss Idaho Teen Volunteer

We are searching for the next Teen State Titleholder to compete for the title of
Miss Teen Volunteer America 2025….and it could be YOU! We hope you will want to be
a part of our incredible National Program and continue to serve your community through your
S.E.R.V.E. Initiative. Each State Titleholder has the opportunity to shine a light on the cause of
her choice and we cannot wait to hear about the strides you are making with your volunteer
projects. The foundation you are building now with your S.E.R.V.E. Initiative work is what will
provide you the opportunity to receive bigger and better opportunities as Miss Teen Volunteer
America. We will position your year as our National Titleholder in alignment with your goals,
S.E.R.V.E. Initiative project and personal story in mind. I hope you will take full advantage of
the time you have now and the opportunity that your state title brings to put forth great effort in
accomplishing your service goals. You are not only preparing for the Miss Teen Volunteer
America Pageant, but this will hopefully be advantageous to you in the college application
process and beyond in life.
Age Requirements: Teen contestants must be at least 13 years of age and no older than 18
years of age on the date they assume the State Title.
Important Dates: Teen contestant registration for Miss Teen Volunteer America will begin
the afternoon of Wednesday, March 6th
. Interviews and talent rehearsals will begin early the
mornings of Thursday and Friday, March 7 & 8th
, and the Teen finals will be held in the
afternoon on Saturday, March 9, 2024, in Jackson, Tennessee.
State Titleholders will participate in a Virtual Contestant Lottery to select their Contestant
Placement in the lineup on a designated date to be determined in the future but will be held on
or around January 10, 2024. During the Virtual Lottery, State Titleholders will select whether
they will compete in Group A or Group B. Group A will compete in Fitness & Wellness and
Evening Gown and Group B will compete in Talent during Preliminary Night 1. Group A will
compete in Talent and Group B will compete in Fitness & Wellness and Evening Gown during
Preliminary Night 2. Only the Top 16, including the People’s Choice Award Winner, will compete
in each phase of competition during the National Pageant Finals.
Categories of Competition & Scoring: State Titleholders will compete in four Categories of
Competition: Personal Interview, Talent, Fitness & Wellness in Activewear, and Evening Gown.
Each phase counts for 25% of a State Titleholder’s Overall Preliminary Score.
After the Preliminary Competitions have concluded and prior to the National Finals beginning,
each Judge will submit a composite score for each of the Finalists to the Official Auditor based
on the Preliminary Competitions. The composite score will carry over to the National Finals to
comprise 25% of her score, each Finalist will compete in Fitness & Wellness, Talent, and
Evening Gown, each comprising 25% of a State Titleholder’s overall score. A Top Five Question
will be answered by the Top 5 Finalists and while the Question will not be a scored category, the
Final Questions will be observed by the Official Panel of Judges before they fill out their Final
Please review scoring information and further details on our website
www.missvolunteeramerica.net or you can reach out to our National Judges Chairperson, Chris
Chambers [email protected] with any scoring or competition questions.


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  • Compete for the Title of Miss Idaho Teen Volunteer 2024


Rules of Miss Idaho Teen Volunteer

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Interview, Fitness, Evening Gown
