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Miss Iowa Sweeps Competitions

date_medium_icon.svg Mar 31, 2026

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About Miss Iowa Sweeps Competitions

Miss Iowa Sweeps is always the last competition in the local pageant season. To be eligible to compete in sweeps, you must have either competed in at least one local competition in the same season, or have competed in the previous state competition. The goal of sweeps is to get as many girls to the Miss Iowa stage, and many titles are given out. However, these titles are temporary and only last until Miss Iowa is over.

No scholarships are given for winning a Sweeps title, but everyone who competes at Miss Iowa does receive scholarship dollars, regardless of placement.

Miss Iowa Sweeps has awarded many titles over the years, including Miss Wild Rose, Miss Heartland, Miss Liberty, and many more.

The Teen titles for Sweeps are given out by an At-Large system under the Miss Iowa and Miss Iowa’s Outstanding Teen Organization. These Teen Contestants do not compete traditionally for a title like the Miss Sweeps Candidates, but instead must send in an application and be approved by the Miss Iowa’s Outstanding Teen Board.

The last Miss “Sweeps” titleholder to win Miss Iowa was Emily Tinsman, Miss Wild Rose 2019, who won Miss Iowa 2019. Emily was also a double preliminary winner at Miss Iowa 2019, winning Preliminary Talent and Preliminary Evening Wear/Social Impact Statement. Emily also won the Overall Talent award at Miss Iowa 2019.


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Rules of Miss Iowa Sweeps Competitions

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Evening Gown, Talent, Interview, Onstage Question
