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Miss McHenry County Fair Pageants

location_icon.svgMcHenry, IL, USA date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026

About Miss McHenry County Fair Pageants

The Miss McHenry County Fair Pageant has been a tradition at the McHenry County Fair for over 60 years. Our pageant provides a scholarship to the new Miss Queen helping her to pursue her educational hopes and dreams. In 2016, the pageant expanded its opportunities becoming Miss McHenry County Fair Pageants, including a Jr. Teen (Ages 9-13) and Teen (Ages 13-16) as well as a Noncompete Princess Mentoring Program (Ages 5-9).
The McHenry County Fair Princess Mentoring Program is a non-compete program. This program is designed to provide young girls ages 5 – 9 years old an opportunity to grow in confidence and have a good time. Each Princess will be crowned on stage and have a ton of fun!

The Jr and Teen contestants will compete in the areas of Interview, Speech, Formal Wear and On-Stage Question. Miss McHenry County contestants will compete in the areas of Interview, Sportswear, Speech, Formal Wear and On-Stage Question. Please review the Official Pageant Rules for more details.


  • no-reviews-svg.svg

Rules of Miss McHenry County Fair Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Optional Resume, Photogenic, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Onstage Question, Fun Fashion, Activewear
