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Miss National Sweetheart

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About Miss National Sweetheart

Mission Statement - National Sweetheart Pageant

The National Sweetheart Pageant, located in Hoopeston, Illinois, is a scholarship program with a mission to provide young women with a national-level training experience that promotes excellence in service, communication, and personal well-being.

Sweetheart History

The origins of the National Sweetheart Pageant can be traced back to the local festivals in the Hoopeston area. In 1939, a pageant was organized to select a local girl to be the Sweetcorn Queen. The inaugural Sweetcorn Queen was chosen through a popular vote by the festival attendees.

In 1940, the pageant expanded its reach as contestants from the canning and canning-related industries of Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, Iowa, and Wisconsin were invited to Hoopeston to compete for the title. With participants attending from several states, the "Hoopeston Sweetcorn Festival" was renamed the "National Sweetcorn Festival" in 1941, and "Miss Sweetcorn" was rebranded as "National Sweetheart."

Following World War II, the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees) took over the sponsorship of the festival and pageant. The format remained largely the same until 1952 when the Jaycees extended invitations to the 1st runners-up from their respective states' Miss America pageants. Concurrently, judges from the Miss America circuit were invited to adjudicate the pageant. This move aimed to garner national recognition for the pageant and provide a training ground for contestants who aspired to reenter their states' Miss America competitions in the future.

In 2016, the Hoopeston Jaycees adapted the national format, opening the competition to contestants from all across the United States. This modification allowed young women from various states to compete for the title of Miss National Sweetheart.

Throughout its history, the National Sweetheart Pageant has served as a stepping stone to success. Notably, nine contestants from this pageant have gone on to become Miss America titleholders. This illustrious group includes Pam Eldred, Miss America 1970; Rebecca King, Miss America 1974; Grace E. Ward, Miss America 1982; Debrah L. Turner, Miss America 1990; Carolyn Sapp, Miss America 1992; Leanza Cornett, Miss America 1993; Tara Dawn Holland, Miss America 1997; Katie Marie Harman, Miss America 2002, and Caressa Cameron, Miss America 2010.

In 2022, the National Sweetheart Pageant entered into a partnership with the Miss Volunteer America Organization. This collaboration enables runner-up contestants from their respective states' Miss Volunteer America pageants to participate in the National Sweetheart Pageant, further enhancing the competition's national reach and significance.

2023 National Sweetheart Pageant Results and Awards
2023 Miss National Sweetheart: Jireh Gerry (California)
1st Runner Up: Emily O’Rear (Alabama)
2nd Runner Up: Maclyn Jones (Kentucky)
3rd Runner Up: Mary Kathryn France (Texas)
4th Runner Up: Dyna Maritnez (Indiana)
Preliminary Lifestyle & Fitness in Swimsuit: Maclyn Jones (Kentucky)
Preliminary Evening Gown: Maclyn Jones (Kentucky)
Pat Musk Non-Finalist Talent Award: Crimzine Miller (Alaska)
Miss Congeniality: Emily O’Rear (Alabama)
Bonnie Berglund Parade Wear Award: Sarah Howard (North Carolina)
People’s Choice Award: Haley Flemming (Hawaii)
Ronnie Reed Community Service Award: Catherine Slavich (Georgia)
Sweetheart Community Service Award: Aly Welch (Washington)
John Bitner Non-Finalist Interview Award: Olivia Pikul (Kansas)
Overall Interview Scholarship Award: Miura Rempis (Tennessee)
Misti Runge Memorial Scholarship Award: Group A/B: Shaelyn Matkins (Missouri)
Group C/D: Miura Rempis (Tennessee)
STEM Scholarship: Jireh Gerry (California)
Directors Award: Payton Idrago (Oregon)
Exercise is Medicine Scholarship: Shaelyn Matkins (Missouri)
Erica Hemphill Memorial Scholarship: Aly Welch (Washington)
Eva Leanza Cornett Memorial Scholarship: Jireh Gerry (California)
Pam Eldred Memorial Talent Award: Emily O’Rear (Alabama)
Overall Talent Scholarship Award: Jireh Gerry (California)


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Rules of Miss National Sweetheart

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Swimsuit/Fitness, Social Impact Initiative, Runway, Platform
