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Southern Royalty Productions

date_medium_icon.svg Jan 22, 2026

About Southern Royalty Productions

Southern Royalty Productions pageants are so much more than just pageants! Our system is carefully designed to grow your confidence, teach you life-long skills such as public speaking and presenting yourself in front of an audience, all while gaining the competitive edge to succeed in whatever fields you may choose in your future. Aside from the unmatched prizes and crowns we award our contestants each year, you and your family will create lifelong memories and friendships while gaining the skills necessary to succeed not only in this competition, but also in life!

Cultivating a beautiful heart and blessing those around you with love, charity and consideration is what will make you a Southern Royalty Queen! Naturally, there is a hint of competition in the air, as expected with many beautiful women altogether, ultimately competing against one another. However, many including myself choose to see it differently, the real beauty of these pageants is the hearts of these contestants.

We are leaders and our mission is to support and rally around good causes, uplift others, and promote growth in our local communities!

Age groups
0-12 months
13-23 months
2 year
3-4 year
5-6 year
7-8 year
9-11 year
13-15 year
16-19 year

Age groups may change or be added depending on numbers!

Attire: pageant dress or Sunday best. This can be a church dress, party dress, or glitz.
No flippers allowed or makeup for ages two and under.

Included in basic entry division side awards: most photogenic, best personality, best fashion, prettiest hair and eyes.

1. Supreme: highest score out of their age breakdown
Supreme breakdowns: 0-2, 3-4, 5-8, 8+
Supreme age groups may change depending on numbers

2. Overall supreme: high overall score out of everyone who enters this optional. This is NOT double crowned.

3. Overall Photogenic: best overall photo (chosen by judges)

4. Fun fashion
$10 fee that is not covered by all in entry.

Jackpot overall most beautiful can be paid at the door on pageant day for $10. The overall winner of this optional will go home with half of the money paid to enter this optional, a crown and a plaque.

There are no refunds or transfers of registration fees paid.

Basic entry $60 and all in for $75
All in covers all supreme titles and side awards.

PayPal [email protected]


ReviewWrite a Review
    Paige Salinas
    24 July 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience


    Gemma Salinas
    23 July 2023
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    My favorite pageant director! Not biased at all ?


  • Compete for the Title of Miss Southern Royalty 2023

  • Get your Ticket to Attend Miss Southern Royalty 2023


Rules of Southern Royalty Productions

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Optional Photogenic, Fun Fashion, Beauty
