The Teen Universe Pageant is under the trademark registration and copyright with
expedient number 2014-003949. A beauty pageant for teenagers all over the world.
Alexander Montiel of Nicaragua is the international director and CEO of Teen Universe
International Pageant. In 2012 the first international pageant took place which winner
was Panama, following the years with Nicaragua, USA, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, India,
Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Curaçao, and the reigning titleholder USA.
The establishment of the United States Teen Universe Pageant began in 2012.
Looking for teenagers making a difference. Pageant director with more than 10 years of
experience in the world of pageantry took over the franchise and began to expand the
vision and objective of the pageant.
This organization is designed to build diversity, community awareness, values and self-
esteem to young women.