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Miss Universe Canada

location_icon.svgCanada date_medium_icon.svg Jun 30, 2026

About Miss Universe Canada

Since 2003, the Miss Universe Canada Organization has strived to be an active member of the GTA community. We’re proud to have addressed over 10,000 students at schools thru the MUC inspirational speaking tour.

Our talks focus on the importance of education, setting goals, pursuing your dreams as well as delivering an anti-bullying campaign.

Our tour has been covered by both Print and TV media outlets including the Toronto Sun, ET Canada and E-Talk Daily. For example Mike Strobel feature writer for the Toronto Sun wrote a story titled “A True Queen for Our Kids” after attending one of our talks.

Our organization is proud to have developed strong relationships and assisted some of Canada’s biggest non-profit organizations including The Brazilian Ball, Variety Village, CANFAR, SOS Children’s Villages, Save The Children, Breast Cancer Foundation, Sick Kids Hospital, Universal Youth Foundation, Princess Margaret Hospital, Lymphoma Foundation and The Santa Claus Parade amongst others.

We have also assisted numerous charities within the diverse ethnic communities represented in the GTA.

Miss Universe Canada regularly attends and is featured as a VIP guest at the premier entertainment and sporting events throughout Canada, including the Canadian F1 Grand Prix in Montreal, The Toronto Grand Prix, The Toronto Blue Jays, The Toronto Raptors, Canadian Idol, The Toronto International Film Festival and The Much Music Video Awards amongst others.World Miss University!


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Rules of Miss Universe Canada

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Swimsuit/Fitness, Interview, Evening Gown
