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Miss Virginia Association of Fairs Scholarship Pageant

location_icon.svgOmni Homestead Resort, Sam Snead Highway, Hot Springs, VA, USA date_medium_icon.svg Jan 3 2025 - Jan 5 2025

About Miss Virginia Association of Fairs Scholarship Pageant

The Miss Virginia Association of Fairs Pageant returns to the Williamsburg Lodge January 3-5, 2025! Representatives from Virginia’s fairs and festivals across our beautiful Commonwealth are cordially invited to compete for the prestigious title of Miss Virginia Association of Fairs. We are very excited about our scholarships, wonderful prize package, and exciting new opportunities for the new Miss Virginia Association of Fairs!

The Board of Directors of the Virginia Association of Fairs welcomes young ladies like you, chosen in competitions sponsored by member fairs across the Commonwealth, to participate in the Miss VAF Scholarship Pageant. The Board’s goal in sponsoring the Miss VAF Scholarship Pageant is to select the young lady that best represents the values that Virginians hold dear - a nice appearance and presentation, excellent interpersonal skills, proven academic and personal accomplishments, knowledge of a wide array of topics, and much more. The young lady chosen as Miss Virginia Association of Fairs will represent the Association, the fair industry, her fair, and her community across the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Board’s expectation is that Miss Virginia Association of Fairs is a responsible individual whose desire is to contribute to the greater good through education, volunteerism, and personal influence.

Check out vafairs.us for more information!


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Rules of Miss Virginia Association of Fairs Scholarship Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Photogenic, Personal Introduction, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown, Casual Wear
