We are faith structured organization for plus size women in existence since 2003 Miss Plus America (c) as MelissaStamper the founder states “the Name itself inspires woman with an outlet to experience not only the thrill of walking a stage in gown and crown, MPA gives the opportunity to experience the magnanimity of serving others in a unique and rewarding way.”
Integrity, of this organization, is no less than seeking what we all want. love does play a good part in that if you love yourself, you can love others and are willing to be of service.
Being the owner since 2014, I am amazed of the following of women from all walks of life that desire the experience being a Queen for their state, their family and most of all themselves. The lives, that have touched me through this system is nothing less than supernatural to me. It’s like a ministry for we are reaching women to enhance their uniqueness both inside and out.
we strive at being sisters, some of us have never had a sisterhood. – Marcella Meyer
2018 Our Theme Is Influence
to empower from within and allow others to see our strength in numbers.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou