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Miss Sparkle Success Pageant

date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2026

About Miss Sparkle Success Pageant

Miss Sparkle Success strives to build positive attitudes and educational stability in young girls. We provide a weekend of Self-Esteem Workshops and Seminars for each delegate. The Miss Sparkle Success organization works with young girls Nationally. We take pride in providing girls with a healthy alternative to the negatives of society.
The Miss Sparkle Success experience is designed to serve four purposes; 1) increase positive behaviors; 2) increase achievement and engagement in learning.

About Miss Sparkle Success Image & Etiquette Pageant for Girls and Young Women
beauty queens, young girl, title

Miss Sparkle Success was organized in 2001 after Ms. Ann Eure was inspired by her daughter’s success in Pageantry to offer other girls and young women that same great opportunity. Since then, Ms. Eure and her daughter began organizing and presenting Miss Sparkle Success Pageants and Workshops throughout the state of Michigan for girls and young women between the ages of 5 through 24.

Miss Sparkle Success is not your typical beauty pageant, but an Image & Etiquette Pageant that focus on a young girl's inner beauty, potential, and success. Miss Sparkle Success is about changing lives for every girl who aspires to enhance her personality, image and behavior. Miss Sparkle Success provides safe and innovative programs for every girl who aspires to increase her success potential. Success classes are to enhance a young lady's inner beauty, personal image, peer relationships, academics success, public speaking, stage fears, and overall personal development.

Today, Girls are bombarded in our society with the pressures to do drugs, bullying, gang violence, elicit sexual behaviors, pressures to lose weight and mimic others at earlier and earlier ages. Many girls and young women are not finding the encouragement and support they need to protect themselves from harm at a very vulnerable point in their lives. Miss Sparkle Success Image & Etiquette Development Courses help empower girls and young women with personal development opportunities to enhance her confidence and pride to believe in her own abilities.

Our Goal here at Miss Sparkle Success is to target girl's issues they are facing today, we work with those issues through developing dialogue and group talk exercises. Ms. Eure believes that EVERY girl WINS at SUCCESS when participating in her Pageant experience. EVERY girl must complete a Success Seminar/Workshop that enhances behaviors and attitudes. Miss Sparkle Success believe Girls are not successful just by their looks, they must have personality, character and a positive image that other girls may model.

Each year, girls compete in the annual Miss Sparkle Success Pageant Showcase to present their talent and success. The Miss Sparkle Success Pageant is and excellent way for girls to show their inner beauty, confidence, talent and success. If chosen as Miss Sparkle Success Queen, she not only wins a cash prize, but the queen title. She will also be equipped to represent young girls everywhere on DAY ONE in her new role. Queens are awarded the Miss Sparkle Success Crown, Queen Sash, and beautiful Roses. Every girl's success title allows her to take the role of leadership, and step into the limelight of SUCCESS for one year. The awarded Queen must have a passion to make a difference in the lives of other girls and young women in her community, city and state by encouraging them to focus on their positive attributes and be the best that they can be. Will you sign up today?


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Rules of Miss Sparkle Success Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Interview, Evening Gown, Talent, Fun Fashion, Photogenic
