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Mr and Miss Humanitarian Global

location_icon.svgGrand Hotel Asaba, Nnebisi Road, Asaba, Nigeria date_medium_icon.svg Coming soon on July 2025

About Mr and Miss Humanitarian Global

Mr and Miss Humanitarian Global is a standard pageant organization that is located at port Harcourt, Rivers state Here in Nigeria and will cater to all our different clients both domestic and corporate. We are not only limited to organizing pageants as we will be offering other services such as Modeling, Training , Consultancy Service, Art, Entertainment and Recreational activities as well.
Just as the name Humanitarian implies the contest centers around building the mind of youths to be concerned with peoples welfare, alleviation of suffering and to be hospitable at all times.


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Rules of Mr and Miss Humanitarian Global

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?

    Both. We allow both male and female contestants.

  • What are the phases of competition?

    Talent, Swimsuit/Fitness, Runway, Resume, Photogenic, Personal Introduction, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Talent, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Optional Role Model, Optional Media Correspondent, Optional Cover Girl, Optional Casual Wear, Optional Actress, Opening Number, Onstage Question, Multimedia, Interview, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown, Costume, Casual Wear
