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Mrs. America Pageant

date_medium_icon.svg Apr 1, 2025 - Apr 3, 2025

About Mrs. America Pageant

The Mrs. America pageant is the longest standing beauty pageant for married women. Originally established in 1938 as the “Mrs. American Pageant”, Mrs. America was created to honor married women throughout the United States. Contestants representing all 50 states, including the District of Colombia, compete in the national Mrs. America pageant after winning their state’s title. Beginning in 1968 the Mrs. America pageant ceased for several years, until it was revived by former professional athlete and independent television producer David Z. Marmel in 1977.

The modernized Mrs. America pageant remains true to its past traditions, but not seeks to recognize was Marmel calls, “America’s greatest natural resource – the contemporary married woman.”

What's the difference between Miss America and Mrs. America?

Can you be married and be Mrs. America?

Contestants for Mrs. America are required to be married during the time of their competition.

Can you be divorced and be Mrs. America?

Mrs. America can be previously divorced but is required to be married during their time as a contestant.

Can Mrs. America have tattoos?

There are currently no rules banning tattoos for Mrs. America contestants - but typically you might see contestants cover up their tattoos with makeup.

What is the age limit for Mrs. America?

While the average age range for Mrs. America is cited as 20 to 50 - there is only an age requirement of 18 years or older listed on their website application.

How tall do you have to be for Mrs. America?

There are no height requirements for the Mrs. America contest.

How Many Contestants Are In Mrs. America?

There are 51 contestants in the Mrs. America pageant - this includes all 50 US states as well as a delegate from Washington DC.

Do you need to be a US citizen to compete in Mrs. America?

Per their application form, you are required to be a US citizen to compete in Mrs. America but you are not required to be born in the US - only naturalized.

Mrs. America Titleholders

Mrs. America 1977 - Ruth Johnson
Mrs. America 1978 - Cindy Roberts
Mrs. America 1979 - Carrie Gabriel Strom
Mrs. America 1980 - Carol Anne McEwen
Mrs. America 1981 - Paddy Boyd Argovitz
Mrs. America 1982 - Rhonda McGeeney
Mrs. America 1983 - Susan Goodman
Mrs. America 1984 - Deborah Wolfe
Mrs. America 1985 - Donna Russell
Mrs. America 1986 - Cynthia Amann
Mrs. America 1987 - Suzy Katz (original winner, Pamela Nail, was crowned Mrs. World)
Mrs. America 1988 - Jennifer Kline
Mrs. America 1989 - Jennifer Johnson
Mrs. America 1991 - Kristianna Nichols
Mrs. America 1992 - Dr. Doris Martineaux
Mrs. America 1993 - Keyna Baucom
Mrs. America 1994 - Wendy Lewis
Mrs. America 1995 - Kimberly Brasher
Mrs. America 1996 - Cynthia Pensiero
Mrs. America 1997 - Lisa Lilenthal
Mrs. America 1998 - Renee Cairns
Mrs. America 1999 - Stacy Willis (original winner, Starla Stanley, was crowned Mrs. World)
Mrs. America 2000 - Leslie Lam
Mrs. America 2001 - Nicole Brink
Mrs. America 2002 - Laurett Ellsworth Arenz (original winner, Nicole Brink, was crowned Mrs. World)
Mrs. America 2003 - Kristi Phillips
Mrs. America 2004 - Heidi Dinan
Mrs. America 2005 - Julia Love-Templeton
Mrs. America 2006 - Andrea Pruess
Mrs. America 2007 - Marney Duckworth (original winner, Diane Tucker, was crowned Mrs. World)
Mrs. America 2008 - Kelly McBee
Mrs. America 2009 - Maureen McDonald
Mrs. America 2010 - Andrea Robertson
Mrs. America 2011 - Shelley Carbone
Mrs. America 2012 - Lara Leimana Fonoimoana (original winner, April Lufriu, was crowned Mrs. World)
Mrs. America 2013 - Vicki Sarber
Mrs. America 2014 - Austen Brown Williams
Mrs. America 2015 - Michelle Nicole Evans
Mrs. America 2016 - Madeline Mitchell Gwin
Mrs. America 2017 - Natalie Luttmer
Mrs. America 2018 - Mekayla Diehl Eppers
Mrs. America 2019 - Nicole Rash Cook
Mrs. America 2020 - Natalie Winslow
Mrs. America 2021 - Brooklyn Rivera


    Kari Volen
    22 December 2022
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    I competed at Mrs. America as Mrs. California in 2013 and had a wonderful experience. Production was top notch and loved the choreographers Frit & Frat! I made literally the best friends at this pageant, many of whom I still keep in contact with almost 10 years later!~ Was honored to make the Top 6 and highly recommend for Mrs. contestants looking for a great national program!

Rules of Mrs. America Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Evening Gown, Swimsuit/Fitness, Interview
