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Mrs. Michigan America & Miss Michigan for America

date_medium_icon.svg May 9, 2025 - May 10, 2025

crown_bullet_2x-icon.svg00 reviews

About Mrs. Michigan America & Miss Michigan for America

Panel Style Interview. Interview suit (may be a pant suit, jumpsuit, or skirt suit) or nice style dress. 50% of your score is based on how well you show the judges your ability to articulate, show confidence, are relatable, as well as your overall beauty and appearance.

You will wear a solid colored ONE PIECE swimsuit. Nylons may be worn. We suggest sheer to waist nylons, they look the most natural on stage. The pageant will provide a sarong wrap to be worn during the swimsuit competition. Sponsored shoes will be provided. 25% of your score is based on figure, fitness, posture, beauty and confidence. During your year as a state titleholder your schedule will be very demanding, being physical fit is a very important part of the competition.

Floor length gown any color any style. 25% of your score is based on your poise, posture, grace, elegance and overall look, how well your carry yourself as well as how well your choice of gown compliments you.

Your opening number outfit will be determined by the director, unless sponsored.

25% fitness, 25% evening gown, 50% private interview. Top semi-finalists will be selected from preliminary scoring, plus the fabulous face winner. The semi-finalists will answer an on-stage question. The judges will then rank the contestants in the order they wish them to be placed.

When you receive your banner it is time to make appearances. Go to your local newspaper or Chamber of Commerce and find the local happenings in your community. Select the things that fit into your schedule and that interest you. It could be a parade, or Special Olympics or Grand Opening to a new business. What ever it is, you will be strong and positive addition to the event.

All of the staff are volunteers and are involved in this program with the goal of making this event an enjoyable experience for you and your families. Please be courteous to them, they have a very tough job making the event go smoothly.

Ads are a nice way to showcase yourself, your title and the support of your community. Everyone is required minimum ONE ad in the program book. Look at the previous Program Book for ad page ideas.

A platform is something you do for someone or group that you are passionate about. No, you do not have to have a platform. It is always nice to do nice things in your community and there are many ways to do that. Volunteering in anyway on an ongoing basis can be very rewarding.


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Rules of Mrs. Michigan America & Miss Michigan for America

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Swimsuit/Fitness, Interview, Evening Gown
