Are you allowed to be married?
Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.
Over 632.4K Daily Active Readers:
Compete for the Title of Mrs. North Dakota America and American, Miss North Dakota for America Strong 2025
Production Manager, 2020 - Present
Shawnee Kaseman was Miss North Dakota for America Strong 2020. She is our lead production manager, choreographer, and stage director. She brings a wealth of talent to our live show and we couldn't run things without her!
Style & Presentation Consultant, 2023 - Present
Klaudia was Mrs. North Dakota America 2022 and is a regional leader and icon in the fashion industry. She is the owner of two bridal/formalwear boutiques, has modeled internationally, and has her own line of couture gowns!
Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.
Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.
Swimsuit/Fitness, Photogenic, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown, Costume