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Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant

date_medium_icon.svg Oct 6, 2025

About Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant

Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant is the preliminary pageant for the Ms. Earth USA Pageant.

The mission of the Ms. Earth USA pageant is to combine beauty and nature in a celebration of one of the Earth's greatest honors... Being a woman!

Do you have a passion for our country and the planet's future? Are you ready to be the best version of yourself and represent what it means to be "Glamorously "Green?
Then the Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant is for you.

We are currently seeking contestants.

Divisions are...

Little Earth TN 5-9
Jr. Teen Earth TN 10-12
Teen Earth TN 13-19
Ms. Earth TN 21+
Mrs. Earth TN 21+
Elite Ms. Earth TN 40+
Elite Mrs. Earth TN 40+

Wendy Russo is our official coaching sponsor the founder of "The Winners Way Pageant Coaching"


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  • Compete for the Title of Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant 2023


Staff of Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant

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    Dr. Teresa Hansbrough

    TN State Director, 2023 - Present

    Dr. Teresa Hansbrough is the State Director of the Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant. She has over 30 years of pageantry experience. She is the current RIM Ms. Tennessee 2023 and World's Top Model Ms. 2023.

Rules of Ms. Earth Tennessee USA Pageant

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?

    Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.

  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Photogenic, Onstage Question, Interview, Evening Gown, Activewear
