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International Junior Miss New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

date_medium_icon.svg Aug 25, 2026

About International Junior Miss New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

New Jersey, New York and New England International Junior Miss is the official preliminary to the International Junior Miss pageant. The winner of New Jersey, New York and New England International Junior Miss competes at the International Junior Miss pageant, representing New Jersey, New York or New England, for a chance to win the title of International Junior Miss.

New Jersey, New York and New England International Junior Miss has three phases of competition that include: private interview, evening gown and fun fashion. In order to compete for New Jersey, New York and New England International Junior Miss you must be at least 4 years old and a female.

To see a full list of preliminary titles for the New Jersey, New York and New England International Junior Miss pageant use the filtering options on https://www.pageantplanet.com/directory/category/pageant


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Rules of International Junior Miss New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

  • Are you allowed to be married?

    Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.

  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Evening Gown, Fun Fashion, Interview, Optional Volunteer Service Award, Optional Talent, Optional Photogenic, Optional Casual Wear, Optional Top Model, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Optional Cover Girl, Optional Actress
