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  • Compete for the Title of Royal International Miss North Florida


Royal International Miss North Florida

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About Royal International Miss North Florida

Royal International Miss is an amazing movement of women's empowerment. Over 11 years of scholarship and service on both the State, National and International levels. RIM believes in a wholistic approach embodying the spirit of motivation and care for each contestant. There are amazing opportunities for all ages beginning at 5 years old. RIM truly focuses on a culture of care and development for each contestant. As it is the Number 1 international pageant, you still feel like you are sharing the experience with family. Darling, you belong here! There are three crowns won per division and 7 divisions to be apart of. Darling, you belong here!

We are super excited to host the Royal International Miss North Florida this year in Jacksonville, Florida. The competition will consist of an interview, introduction, fun fashion and gown competitions. Additionally, there will be several optional opportunities to showcase your many talents.

Join today by registering on the RIM site. royalinternationalmiss.com and select North Florida.


  • Compete for the Title of Royal International Miss North Florida 2024


Rules of Royal International Miss North Florida

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

    Personal Introduction, Optional Talent, Optional Spokesmodel, Optional Runway/Fashion Model, Optional Role Model, Most Photogenic, Interview, Fun Fashion, Formal Wear, Casual Wear
