All Delegates compete in a round-robin style private interview for 3* minutes at a time with the judges. Private interview accounts for 25% of the overall score.
Little Miss, Pre-Teen and Junior Teen Delegates compete on-stage in sportswear outfits to show off their personality, while Teen and up compete in swimsuit to display their physical fitness and on-stage confidence. This portion of the competition accounts for 25% of the overall score.
All Delegates compete on-stage in the evening gown competition to show their poise. Evening gown accounts for 25% of the overall score.
The Top 5 Delegates in each Division compete in on-stage question. Each Delegate in the Little Miss, Pre-Teen, Jr. Teen, Teen, Ms., & Ms. Woman division is given 30 seconds to answer a pre-determined question, while Mrs. and Miss delegates are given a 1-minute press conference style questioning from the judges.
Rules of Tennessee United States Pageants
Are you allowed to be married?
Both. We allow both married and non-married contestants.
Are you allowed to have kids?
Both. We allow both contestants with and without children to compete.