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  • Compete for the Title of Tennessee Valley Fair Pageants


Tennessee Valley Fair Pageants

date_medium_icon.svg Sep 5, 2025 - Sep 6, 2025

About Tennessee Valley Fair Pageants

Age Divisions:
Baby (9 months- 47 months)
Tiny Tot (4-6 years)
Little Miss (7-9 years)
Princess (10-12 years)
Junior Fairest (13-15 years)
Fairest of the Fair (16-21 years)

Baby- Beauty 50%, Personality 50%
Tiny Tot- Beauty 50%, Poise 25%, Personality 25%
Little Miss- Beauty 50%, Poise 25%, Personality 25%
Princess- Beauty 50%, Poise & Personality 25%, Introduction 25%
Junior Fairest- Beauty 50%, Poise & Personality 25%, Interview 25%
Fairest of the Fair- Beauty 50%, Poise & Personality 25%, Interview 25%

General Rules:
Tiny Tot, Little Miss, & Princess- All contestants must: Currently be and always have been of the female gender; Wear a formal, floor length gown for contest. No exposed midriff, no cut outs, and no slits in the dress; All participants must attend a MANDATORY rehearsal at 5:00pm on Thursday September 4th, 2025.

Junior Fairest of the Fair- All contestants must: Be a
resident of Knox or surrounding counties; Must be 13-15 years of age at the time of the pageant, Must not be or plan to be married, or have or plan to have a child before September 6th, 2025; Not have been found guilty of a felony; Currently be and
always have been of the female gender; Wear a formal, floor length gown, no exposed midriff, and no cut outs. Dress must be one piece. An “optional” rehearsal will be held on Thursday, September 4th, 2025; Participant must be available as an official Fair representative fulfilling special duties DAILY during the Fair, including events throughout the year. Must wear crown and sash at each event. Reign will conclude on September 6th, 2025. All participants will be expected to introduce themselves in their evening gowns. This will be judged as their interview score.

Fairest of the Fair- Will serve as an official hostess and representative of the Fair throughout the year. In January, she will compete in Murfreesboro, TN with other winners from across the state for the title of Tennessee’s Fairest of the Fair. All contestants must: Be a resident of Knox or surrounding counties; Must have reached her 16th birthday at the time of the pageant, but not her 21st birthday on or before December 31, 2025. Must not be or plan to be married or have or plan to have a child before September 6th, 2025; Not have
been found guilty of a felony; Currently be and always have been of the female gender; Wear a formal, floor length gown for contest. No exposed midriff, and no cut outs; Dress must be one piece. An “optional” rehearsal will be held on Thursday, September 5th, 2024. Participant must be available as an official Fair representative fulfilling special duties DAILY during the Fair, including events throughout the year. Must wear crown and sash at each event.
Reign will conclude on September 5th, 2026. If you cannot represent The Tennessee Valley Fair for the full 10 days after being crowned the winner, we respectively ask that you do not compete.


    Bailey McNew
    17 September 2024
    Event Organization
    Production Quality
    Overall Experience

    Wonderful director! Love this pageant system.


  • Compete for the Title of Tennessee Valley Fair Pageants 2024


Staff of Tennessee Valley Fair Pageants

  • staff member

    Bayli Alley

    Little Miss, Tiny Tot, & Princess Director, 2023 - Present

    Bayli started her journey with the TN Valley Fair Pageants in 2014. Throughout the years, she has served as the TN Valley Fair Princess, Jr Fairest of the Fair, and Fairest of the Fair. She is thrilled to be serving as one of the directors.

  • staff member

    Kristin Maupin

    Fairest of the Fair Pageants Director, 2001 - Present

    Kristin has been involved with the TN Valley Fair since she started competing for the Fairest of the Fair title in 1995 and has been a Director since 2007. Her passion is making sure every contestant leaves her feeling encouraged, loved, and worthy!

Rules of Tennessee Valley Fair Pageants

  • Are you allowed to be married?


  • Are you allowed to have kids?


  • Who is allowed to compete?


  • What are the phases of competition?

